Aghanim's Scepter (Unique 6200 Item) for Every Hero


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In Dota 2, Aghanim’s Scepter is an item that gives a unique upgrade to every hero in the game. This upgrade can be anything from an improvement to an existing ability, an entirely new ability, or a change to the mechanics of the game. For example, the hero Alchemist is able to gift Aghanim’s Scepter to a teammate. Weaver gains the ability to cast his ultimate (a very strong escape spell) on allies, changing him from a carry to a support. Here are ideas for how the item could function in Deadlock.
The item would have a different name for every hero, given below. It would not be orange, green, or purple. Instead, it appears in a separate tab in the shop labeled “Shopkeeper Special” and costs 6200 souls. It can only occupy a flex slot and can never be sold.

Deadlock Aghanim’s Scepter Ideas​

Abrams: On the Case
Stun duration from being parried is reduced by 50%. When Abrams performs a heavy melee attack against an enemy hero they gain a debuff for 7 seconds. This debuff causes them to leave behind a trail of footprints and fluttering pieces of paper (clues, essentially). All allies on this trail gain a 3m/s movement speed bonus.​

Bebop: Speed is Violence, Bub
Hookshot can now be alternate cast to go through units; it now acts as a grappling hook that drags Bebop rapidly to its location once it hits a surface. All enemies passed through are hit by Bebop. This counts as a heavy melee attack (can’t be parried). If Hookshot is cast this way, the cooldown is reduced by 3 seconds.​

Dynamo: Kinetic Manipulation
Kinetic Pulse now knocks enemies in an arc towards Dynamo instead of straight up. Gains an additional charge, increases width by 25%, and can be cast during Singularity without consuming charges. If cast during Singularity, cooldown is reduced to 0.3s but it deals no damage.​

Grey Talon: Hunter's Relentlessness
Charged Shot now applies a stacking debuff for 8s to enemy heroes. Each stack triggers a different effect.​
1st arrow: no change.​
2nd arrow: 10% extra damage.​
3rd arrow: stuns the enemy for 1.5s.​
4th arrow: Grey Talon sheds all debuffs and gains 4m/s for 5s.​
5th arrow: kills the enemy.​

Haze: Nightmare Fuel
Enemy heroes hit by Sleep Dagger have a black screen for the duration of the sleep. During this time, all enemy heroes are revealed on the map as Haze investigates their dreams. When they wake up, all units in line of sight (enemy, ally, neutral, hero, minion, doesn’t matter) become illusions of Haze shooting at them. If Haze uses Bullet Dance, all the illusions use it also. The hallucination lasts for 4s.​

Infernus: Elixir of Ambidexterity
Infernus loses the ability to aim down sights. Instead his right click now shoots with his other hand, effectively doubling his fire rate. Increases ammo capacity by 50%, but shooting both hands at once increases the spread of his bullets.​

Ivy: Hands off My Friends!
Whenever an allied hero under the effects of Watcher’s Covenant or Air Drop is hit by an enemy bullet, Ivy automatically fires a shot back at them. This shot requires line of sight, uses Ivy’s regular bullet damage (affected by falloff range), and will not fire if Ivy is reloading. However, it does not consume ammo.​

Kelvin: Snow Day!
Kelvin’s abilities other than Ice Path build up a snow meter on enemies. When full, enemies turn into snowmen for 4s. Snowmen can only waddle around; they cannot jump. They can shoot and melee as normal, but their turn rate is heavily reduced (similar to Bebop Hyper Beam). Melee attacks against snowmen deal 30% extra damage but knocks all the snow off. After an enemy loses their snowman status, their snow meter will not increase for 14s.​

Lady Geist: Fiendish Vigor
Soul Exchange can now target allies. If used on an ally, either Lady Geist or the ally becomes Unstoppable for 2s. The hero that becomes Unstoppable is whichever one has higher health after the exchange. For 7s after using Soul Exchange, Lady Geist may use it one additional time before it goes on cooldown. Reduces cooldown of Soul Exchange by 40s.​

Lash: Teammates? What Teammates?
Lash’s Death Slam now stuns all enemies in the landing zone depending on how many heroes are thrown by it (+0.5s per hero past the first). Additionally, Death Slam now picks up allied heroes as well. Allies are not stunned or dealt damage. Increases the targeting radius of Death Slam.​

McGinnis: Right Tool for the Job
Takes an active item slot. Using this item powers up the next ability used. Has a 20s cooldown.​
Mini Turret: Becomes target cast on allies. Attaches the turret to an ally (or self with self-cast). The turret has 30% shorter lifetime, but 30% increased fire rate. Prioritizes shooting at the last unit the attached hero damaged.​
Medicinal Specter: Units being healed by Medicinal Specter have 20% increased bullet resist, spirit resist, and debuff resist.​
Spectral Wall: Gains 25% height and changes into a U shape facing McGinnis to more effectively entrap enemies. Enemies hit by the wall have their debuff resist lowered by 20%.​
Heavy Barrage: When the channel ends or is manually canceled, McGinnis fires one huge bomb that deals damage equal to 15 rockets. Leaves a mushroom cloud that obscures vision for 5s.​

Mirage: Big Stick Diplomacy
If Mirage detonates the Djinn’s Mark at a multiplier of 8x or higher, the djinn he’s carrying breaks free to join the fight for 8s. She punches enemies (can’t be parried) that get within 12m of Mirage, prioritizing heroes. This counts as a light melee (scales with weapon damage) but is dealt as spirit damage. Punch speed scales with Mirage’s fire rate. Has an internal cooldown of 40s.​

Mo and Krill: Mo OR Krill
Takes an active item slot. Using this item will cause Mo to throw Krill a short distance (grenade targeting). Using it again will swap player control between the two. If Mo and Krill ever come into contact they will return to acting as a single unit. They gain souls as if they are both individual heroes, effectively doubling their soul gain if they are far enough apart and farming different areas. If either one dies, the other one escapes (Mo dives into the ground and Krill runs away in a small poof of smoke) back to spawn until their friend is alive again. They are effectively also dead during this time. While separated they have unique properties.​
Mo: Can’t shoot as he doesn’t carry a gun. Can melee as normal and use all abilities except Combo. Burrow gains 2m/s move speed. Mo can’t use other active items; he lets Krill hold onto them hoping that they will keep Krill safe. When not under player control, Mo will automatically approach the nearest enemy not hidden by fog of war and hit them repeatedly with light melee. Mo’s max health is equal to ⅔ of their regular max health together.​
Krill: Reload speed increased by 20%, but cannot melee or parry because he’s too small. This also means that his hitbox is much smaller. Cannot use any abilities other than Combo, at which point he will begin using the taser to stun the enemy. Deals no damage as Mo is not punching them during this time. When not under player control, Krill stands in place and automatically shoots at nearby enemies, prioritizing heroes. Only Krill can use other active items, and his max health is equal to ⅓ of their regular max health together.​

Paradox: Chaos Accelerator
Every time one of Paradox's abilities deals damage to an enemy hero, all of her other abilities have their cooldowns reduced by 1s. Paradoxical Swap counts as 3 instances of damage.​

Pocket: Big Bill
Pocket’s briefcase stores up ghosts when nearby units die. It gains 1 ghost per non-hero death and 5 ghosts per hero death. Casting Affliction with at least 25 stacks releases all the ghosts in the form of a massive spectral bullfrog, increasing the radius of Affliction and adding a 2s fear effect as Big Bill croaks. Feared enemies run directly away from the frog and cannot take any other actions. The damage, radius, and fear duration are all increased by 1% per released soul past the initial 25.​

Seven: Pain Seeks Company
Seven’s Power Surge supercharges his abilities for the duration. Enemies that take damage from Seven’s abilities during this time become statically charged. Charged enemies are linked to one another, sharing 25% of all damage taken with other charged enemies in line of sight.​

Shiv: One Last Surprise for Ya
When Shiv is completely out of Serrated Knives, his 1 changes to a different ability that he can cast until Serrated Knives has a charge off cooldown. This ability has grenade targeting and causes him to throw his jacket at a target location. Right before the jacket lands, he teleports to its location and throws knives in every direction, applying Serrated Knives to all enemies in the radius (these can ricochet if he has full rage). Has an internal cooldown of 40s.​

Vindicta: Full Spectral Jacket
Vindicta's Assassinate now fires spectral rounds, allowing them to pass through walls. Shots through walls deal 25% less damage. Additionally, enemies affected by Crow Familiar are revealed through walls, but only to Vindicta.​

Viscous: Friend 🙂
Changes Goo Ball to be target cast on allied heroes. Self-cast makes it function as normal. If target cast, pulls a nearby allied hero into the ball. They take half the damage that Viscous receives (Viscous still takes full damage). If Goo Ball has been fully upgraded, the ally can also use abilities and items while in the ball, but they only deal 50% damage. The ally can leave the ball by pressing jump or any movement ability. Using the Goo Ball this way takes more effort for Viscous, so the duration is reduced by 30%.​

Warden: Midas Elixir
Enemies that die while under the effects of Alchemical Flask drop 100% more souls. However, all of Warden’s souls become unsecured and do not convert over time to secured souls. If he dies and drops his souls, allies cannot recover them; only enemies or Warden himself. Finally, Warden becomes unable to buy any item in the shop worth less than 3000 souls. He can still buy items that use a cheaper item as a component by paying all of the costs at once.​

Wraith: The Deck of Many Things
Wraith’s cards for Card Trick are no longer uniform. Instead, every time a new card is generated, it can be 1 of 22 cards, each with unique effects. Some are good, some are bad, and some are just different. All cards have a 4.9% chance to be drawn except The Devil and The World, which each have a 1% chance. The icon on Card Trick changes to show what the next card will be, but the other cards remain obscured until they are the next one to be thrown. These cards will be described by their icon.​
Clown Face: The Fool (bad).​
Deals no damage. Makes a bike horn noise on impact (good?).​
Cape and Wand: The Magician (good).​
Wraith teleports to the card when it explodes.​
Cross Necklace: The High Priestess (different).​
Instead of dealing damage, the card heals all allies in the explosion. Heal is equal to the damage card would normally deal.​
Flower Crown: The Empress (good).​
Card explosion has 70% lifesteal.​
Spiked Crown: The Emperor (good).​
On cast, Wraith gains 30% bullet and spirit resistance for 3s. Increases model size.​
Spiked Scepter: The Hierophant (good).​
Enemies struck by the card are silenced for 2s.​
Heart: The Lovers (good).​
Enemies struck by the card are charmed for 1s. During this time they are disarmed and forced to walk directly towards Wraith.​
Wheel: The Chariot (good).​
On cast, Wraith and all nearby allies gain a 2m/s movement speed bonus for 3s.​
Fist: Strength (different).​
Once the card explodes, Wraith is silenced for 3 seconds. During this time, Wraith’s fire rate and weapon damage are increased by 30%.​
Hood: The Hermit (bad).​
On cast, Wraith gains a stacking debuff for 4s that slows her by 10% for every unit nearby.​
Dollar Sign: Wheel of Fortune (good).​
Card explosion leaves behind five soul orbs, equal to five candle soldiers.​
Scales: Justice (different).​
Card deals 25% less damage to enemy heroes with fewer souls than Wraith. Card deals 25% more damage to enemy heroes with more souls than Wraith.​
Noose: The Hanged Man (different).​
On card explosion, Wraith and all affected enemy heroes are lifted into the air and cannot move for 2s. They can still shoot and use abilities as normal.​
Skull: Death (different).​
On cast, Wraith takes damage equal to 40% of current HP. Card deals double damage.​
Cup Pouring Out Water: Temperance (different.)​
On cast, Wraith begins rapidly healing. Healing ends when Wraith shoots or uses an ability.​
Horns: The Devil (very bad).​
On cast, the card explodes in Wraith’s face. Sets Wraith on fire, dealing 3% max health/sec damage for 6s. During this time, Wraith cannot gain health. Appears less often than other cards. The card icon turns blood red to give additional warning to the player that The Devil is next.​
Falling Rocks: The Tower (good).​
Enemies struck by the card while they have a ceiling over their head will be stunned for 2s as rocks fall on them.​
Shooting Star: The Star (good).​
Enemies struck by the card while outdoors will be struck by an additional card falling from the sky if they are still outside 4s later.​
Moon: The Moon (different).​
Card is not thrown. Instead, casting The Moon fires a hitscan moonbeam that deals 1.2x the card’s normal damage in a line.​
Sun: The Sun (different).​
Card explosion is 25% larger and sets enemies on fire, dealing damage every second for 4 seconds. Tick damage is equal to 10% of card damage. Initial damage reduced by 20%.​
Gavel: Judgement (bad).​
If the card explosion doesn’t hit an enemy hero, Wraith takes the damage instead. This damage cannot be lethal.​
Globe: The World (very good).​
On cast, Wraith instantly gains full health. Card deals triple damage. Appears less often than other cards. Card icon turns shiny and golden until cast.​

Yamato: 刃物を勉強しました
If Yamato presses right click and left click simultaneously, she unsheathes her katana, or sheathes it if it’s already out. Sheathing/unsheathing takes 1.5s, or instantly if done during the transformation into shadow form. While the katana is unsheathed, left click performs light melee and right click performs heavy melee. Light melee becomes a hilt strike, mini stunning enemies for 0.1s and canceling channeled abilities. Heavy melee becomes a thrust with the katana; it dashes 50% farther and deals 20% more damage. While unsheathed, missing a parry only puts it on cooldown for half the usual time. Finally, all other abilities can now be used during the dash of heavy melee to cancel it (useful for baiting parries).​
Agh scepter was carried through dota allstars as funny item. It cant be balanced, someone will always benefit too much from it and make it their core item, not just an option or alternative build. Also most of your suggestions is outright broken, like yamato with free stuns, wraith certain cards (random is thing of past and games cant make it big with random in it, random is only used to lower skill impact so more people can play - quake or unreal situation where there is only veteran players playing, also no olympic qualifications with random in the game).
Warden is farming heroes even better, his snowball cant be stopped?
Talon is executing someone with 5 consecutive hits on the target?
Seven jumping into enemies, linking them and ulting?
You got the idea. It cant be balanced.
Overall it infinitely complicating gameplay. Which raising skill ceiling and basics to play the game, which is turn might be good for veteran players, but hurts game longevity. Do you want to pick up years of those complications without prior genre experience, like dota or lol. Both those games arent getting many new players.
Cs gameplay is the same core gameplay with little tweaks over generations of the game. Which makes it infinitely better than moba games, in terms of longevity and popularity.
This game can combine shooter gameplay and moba elements, so it stays popular and still get new players, while being moba. Random and complexity will only make it worse.