Adding more than 4 active items slots


I already have 200+ hours in Deadlock and I noticed that 4 slots for active items are not enough. If we compare with Dota (where originally most of items in Deadlock came from) there is no limits in using active items, and in my honest opinion, that would be so nice to add some more slots in Deadlock, because after mid game I dont want to sell items that can be useful for me till the late game, and you always have to sacrifice them buying another to keep up with timings. Also, for me, as a Dynamo main, I really would love to play in the late game with items that buff my heal and with items, that can help me with initiation or enemy control. Because of only 4 active slots I can't use all potential of my hero, and I guess it spreads not only on Dynamo, but on another heroes too. Please, think about that, I guess it would be a great feature for a Deadlock.

You can share your opinions about that, because I think I'm not the only one with the request like that. I will be appreciated for any responses and ideas.
Hi, vlondik, I think 4 slots is pretty enough for ballanced games. Didn't you notice that most acive items are stronger than passive. Its cuz u can only have 4 of them. And most of active items for supports, so do you want to play support meta?
Hi, vlondik, I think 4 slots is pretty enough for ballanced games. Didn't you notice that most acive items are stronger than passive. Its cuz u can only have 4 of them. And most of active items for supports, so do you want to play support meta?
I want to play a game, where there is no need to restrain my hero's potential. I know, that my hero can do more and be more useful, but because of the limit of active items, I can't do it.

What about support meta, I don't think that it will hit hard on a meta, especially in early or mid game. Supports are the same heroes as a carry ones, so why there is a need to restrict them of their possible potential? In the late game I agree that it can be strong enough to use maybe 5-6 active items at once, but there is a thing, you have to use them properly, in the right way and this task is not for everyone, you need to have some skills to be a good player that can use all active items.

Anyway, thank you for your reply and opinion!
Your hero's potential already limited cuz of 16 slots for items, so maybe they should add more slots not only for active items, but a couple flex slots (for example as an urn and mid boss reward). If they'll decide to make 6 active slots, they should nerf most active items (reduce healing amount, additional speed etc.)
I don't think that it's really necessary, because now gameplay seems pretty ballanced(except mcg).
Your hero's potential already limited cuz of 16 slots for items, so maybe they should add more slots not only for active items, but a couple flex slots (for example as an urn and mid boss reward). If they'll decide to make 6 active slots, they should nerf most active items (reduce healing amount, additional speed etc.)
I don't think that it's really necessary, because now gameplay seems pretty ballanced(except mcg).
Yes, I understand, that there are 16 items slots and so on, but this is not a frequent case where you can fill all of them, playing as a support, because priori you will have less souls rather than a carry, so thats why I think adding more active slots is a good idea. You will have more opportunities to be useful for your team, having not that much gold, isn't this a balance itself?