Active: resupply cabinet


An active item which instantly puts you at peak performance, but has a long 120 second cooldown.

Upon activation:
  • Restore all health
  • Reload weapon
  • Restore all stamina
  • Reset cooldown for all actives (other than this one of course)
  • Reset cooldown for all abilities
  • Regain zipline boost
  • Remove all debuffs
Sounds horribly overpowered, right? Well that's because there is one very important caveat: you can only use it in your own base. This makes it so you no longer have to spend precious seconds waiting to restore health in the late game. It can also be used to quickly get long cooldowns and ultimates ready if the enemies are near your base.
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For balancing purposes, maybe an exception for the instant cooldown active would be exempt from the 'reset cooldown for all actives' mechanic. Otherwise, it could be possible to use four ults all in a row.