Accumulating Power
Cost: 500 Souls
Imbue a damaging ability and reduce its damage. When enemy heroes are damaged or killed by the imbued ability gain stacks that increase its damage. Gain 1 stack for every enemy hero hurt per ability use. Gain 3 additional stacks for every enemy hero killed within 12.0s of taking damage by the ability.
-25% Imbued Ability Damage
+x% Imbued Ability Damage per stack
x = Base Ability Cooldown / 40
The idea here is to give players the option to go for stacks with any damaging ability similar to how Bebop's Sticky Bomb currently works. The exact % per stack could also be balanced per ability. The given calculation is just a suggestion which would even out the -25% after about ~17 minutes if you hit one enemy with your ability on cooldown (fully ignoring cooldown reduction upgrades). This item would be more suited for PvP centric playstyles.
There could also be an upgrade item that keeps the stacks and effects but also adds some passive stats like bonus health.
Cost: 500 Souls
Imbue a damaging ability and reduce its damage. When enemy heroes are damaged or killed by the imbued ability gain stacks that increase its damage. Gain 1 stack for every enemy hero hurt per ability use. Gain 3 additional stacks for every enemy hero killed within 12.0s of taking damage by the ability.
-25% Imbued Ability Damage
+x% Imbued Ability Damage per stack
x = Base Ability Cooldown / 40
The idea here is to give players the option to go for stacks with any damaging ability similar to how Bebop's Sticky Bomb currently works. The exact % per stack could also be balanced per ability. The given calculation is just a suggestion which would even out the -25% after about ~17 minutes if you hit one enemy with your ability on cooldown (fully ignoring cooldown reduction upgrades). This item would be more suited for PvP centric playstyles.
There could also be an upgrade item that keeps the stacks and effects but also adds some passive stats like bonus health.