About heros and items names localization


New member
Dear Deadlock developers,

In the latest patch, you added localizations for several languages, and I really appreciate that. I would like to thank you for your hard work. I'm not sure about the situation with other languages, but I would like to comment a bit on the Russian localization. It seems you might have gone a bit overboard with it. I implore you not to translate the names of heroes and items. In Russian, there's a rule not to translate proper names, so it would be better if you either left the heroes' names untranslated or simply wrote them in Cyrillic. As it stands, for people of my age, your localization is reminiscent of the old X-Men cartoon, where they were called "Radioactive Men," and their names were translated in a very funny or even cringeworthy way, yet delivered in a very dramatic voice. When I saw the translated hero names today, I couldn’t stop laughing for several minutes, and judging by the Russian chat in the official Discord channel, I was far from the only one. I beg you, stop our laughter and make everything boring again.
Fully agree with topic creator!

Items and Heroes i18n - is a huge problem for CIS community because it makes harder to communicate with EU players. Our localization is not 100% accurate and sometimes we cannot correctly translate back some of labels because there is lot of meanings for same words.

I guess it's in your interests to make Deadlock community using same terminology to understand their teammates in foreign language!