Able to carry urn while in Viscous ult

I'll post a clip within the next 24 hours --

In a matchmaking game I was able to carry the urn while in Viscous' ult form. I didn't notice I even had the urn until I was disarmed upon the end of my ult. I'll review the footage and figure out what happened.
this just sounds correct no? the ult is something that is cast and then stays on right? it isn't channeled. You can also burrow as mole and pick up the urn or use your 2 + fleetfoot as warden and pick it up. I think this is just tech more than anything.
Confirmed it still works, but is it really intended?

To do it you need to start the ult before 50% of the progress of picking up urn where u get silenced, to be able to stay in the area to pick it up before u start rolling away(like facing a wall to wall bump), its a little finicky but works.

Also pressing left mouse to speed up (while carrying urn in ult) spams the "disarmed" clicking noise, which is most likely an actual bug.
