Ability - Wall Runner


New member
I think given the map design, it would be cool to have an hero with the ability to run on walls. It could either be a passive or an active that you activate to grant you the ability to run on walls for a certain amount of time. An example of how the wall running itself would function is shown in this YouTube clip from Titanfall 2:
It seems to me that there are already similar abilities. And the developers themselves hardly made such a complex ability (especially so that it doesn’t look funny)
I lost so many hours to titanfall 2, I'd love a character with that sort of movement. I imagine it'd be a -lot- of dev work to make the movement fluid and natural, especially if it's all for only one character.
I was a Lucio main back in the day and wallriding is the most fun game mechanic I've ever experienced. I would love a similar character.