Abilities requiring aiming broken after last update


New member
I've changed self cast to double tapping, and it's worked fine until the last update. I haven't been able to use abilities that require aiming. Important to note that my keybinds are still the same. The on-screen tool tip still tells me to left click to activate after hitting the ability. When I change self cast hotkey back to manually pressing self cast, my abilities work again. Notable ones that I've encountered are:

Dynamo unable to teleport unless I use the keyboard key to teleport teammate.

Geist grenade and life drain (ult works though)

Ivy vines

Talon and Invicta traps

I also just found out that if I rebind my fire button from left click to anything else, the abilities work again. It's only if I change my fire button back to left click will it mess with the abilities.