A very unique idea! Soldier with a rocket launcher! (concept art)


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What if we add a character with a rocket launcher that is able to rocketjump, never seen this kind of hero in any other game, would be cool to see something like this comes to life.

I know there's a characher with a rocketjump is accesable from console or idk, haven't looked at it thoroughly, and i bet theres few ideas on this forum aswell. this is my take on it.
Rockets will knock you up without the Rocketjump ability, but its going to be harder to do a proper rocket jump, also you wont get any buffs. Two abilities under the 2nd skill is interchangable, im not sure which one is better, or maybe they should be changed completely. The idea is this hero should be dynamic and played sort of like Lash. you get your highground, maybe slow and enemy below and finish it with your rockets. +AP on ability can give you even heal if nesessary.

There's also was an idea of a ability that will create a battle buddy on your movement buttons for a duration of time (when you rocket jump, shift, double jump etc) which will shot with you at your target (aim) but i scrapped it. Maybe you will like it more, just so you know.