A Teleporter Day Pass

Shallow God

With the new teleporters being added, making them so powerful, I wondered if teleporters have a fare. If they did it would probably only be like 250-500 souls. If this were so I think a great item would be a Deadlock equivalent to a Bus/Train Card. Reducing the cost in half and increasing your teleport speed. It would pay for itself if you use the teleporters a lot. It could also give some other boons like +2 movement speed or 10%+ resist to movement slow just so it isn't isn't usless outside of teleporting.

I like the idea of integrating the concept of souls as currency and teleporting as public transport in the gameplay. I think small fare wouldn't deter use but it would make people consider it more carefully. 4 sending you between purple and yellow is insane so early game you might think more carefully if it costs 500 souls.
Do note that they're closed until min 10 and I think the prices you've added are really high considering 500 is what a whole item can cost! I do like the idea of an item that can make teleporters better (like tp boots), though I think a better benifit for them would teleporting speed and some stats like speed and sheild when coming out of a teleporter a bit like veil walker?
Do note that they're closed until min 10 and I think the prices you've added are really high considering 500 is what a whole item can cost! I do like the idea of an item that can make teleporters better (like tp boots), though I think a better benifit for them would teleporting speed and some stats like speed and sheild when coming out of a teleporter a bit like veil walker?
I am aware. But 500 souls would be constant throughout the whole match. If it were a negligible amount it wouldn't really be worth mentioning at that point. 500 souls (which would only be for 4, and these are just numbers I pulled out of the air—they could be 300, or 425, who knows) really isn't that much after laning, which is when the teleporters open, but it's something. The benefit you of such a long distance teleport would almost always be worth 500 souls if there's a reason to be there.