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Haymaker - 6300 Souls, Weapon Item
Requires: Melee Charge
55% Melee Damage
1 m/s Movement Speed
400 Health
Passive - Haymaker: Your next Charged melee attack launches your opponent straight up into the air, cancelling all other trajectory or movement paths and disarming them for 5 seconds.
Cooldown 25 seconds
Chi Fist - 6300 Souls, Spirit Item
Requires: Spirit Strike
45% Melee Damage
14 Spirit Power
80 Spirit Shield Health
10 Health Regen
Passive - Chi Strike: Imbue your next punch to either heal an ally or deal significant spirit damage to an enemy. If targeting an Ally you restore 100% of your melee damage plus 150. Hitting an enemy will Deal your normal melee damage + 300 Spirit Damage and Silence the enemy for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Feel like there's certain situations where the current game physics basically mean that even if a hero is hit by knockdown or otherwise incapacitated they still can keep moving- thought Haymaker would alleviate that issue. Second is just an item that builds from a lack of late-game punching items that I thought the game could use! Obviously they probably need work but maybe worth having in some form!
Requires: Melee Charge
55% Melee Damage
1 m/s Movement Speed
400 Health
Passive - Haymaker: Your next Charged melee attack launches your opponent straight up into the air, cancelling all other trajectory or movement paths and disarming them for 5 seconds.
Cooldown 25 seconds
Chi Fist - 6300 Souls, Spirit Item
Requires: Spirit Strike
45% Melee Damage
14 Spirit Power
80 Spirit Shield Health
10 Health Regen
Passive - Chi Strike: Imbue your next punch to either heal an ally or deal significant spirit damage to an enemy. If targeting an Ally you restore 100% of your melee damage plus 150. Hitting an enemy will Deal your normal melee damage + 300 Spirit Damage and Silence the enemy for 2 seconds.
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Feel like there's certain situations where the current game physics basically mean that even if a hero is hit by knockdown or otherwise incapacitated they still can keep moving- thought Haymaker would alleviate that issue. Second is just an item that builds from a lack of late-game punching items that I thought the game could use! Obviously they probably need work but maybe worth having in some form!