a dual wielding vampire swordsman


New member
name:count dracula(its not copyrighted)
as a lore backround we can make something similar with castlevania where his wife is killed for witch crafting and he is seeking revenge for his wife
how will he shoot projectiles if he has two swords?
we already have bepop whos laser stops at a certain range i don t see why we can t make a character that can "shoot"slashes at enemies this would have a 30m range and do bullet damage
"the hunt" throw a special cocktail towards an enemy this will make it so every minion even if its a friendly or foe target the affected hero even if out of their range(this has a radius as well tho not infinite)
"wolf form" you transform into a wolf that has a higher sprint speed but unable to dash , minions and heroes killed in this form will automatically collect their souls you can only melee in this form
"make them pay" taking damage builds up rage similar to shivs rage this will make count dracula stronger and once rage is fully build up 3 can now be activated
release a barage of blood spikes that damage enemies and heal teammates,however players can choose to use up the whole rage bar to enhance their other abilities
1:when using the hunt enemy heroes nearby the victim will shoot the equivalent of two shots at them, this however will do damage based on your items not theirs
2:"wolf form" you will turn into a werewolf that can now pounch at an enemy stunning them,you can only melee in this form as well
this will use up the whole bar and during this time where he is enhanced will not build anymore of the rage bar

4:"slaughter them all"
can only be used when at least 2 enemies are in the radius
starts to drain blood from the enemies nearby ignoring bullet and spirit resistance

this has the following effects
overheal(starts to decay overtime)
increased speed
increased melee attacks
increased rate of fire
for the enemies:
their health will heal back up again slowly again
slower fire rate
friendly minions will do increasing damage towards them

by using the rage meter (unlocks at tier 3 i don t have ideeas for other tiers for the abilities)
it would also count towards minions,in this case killing them and the effects are weaker
guardians can also be killed this way if under 10% health this will give full effects.
im truly sorry for the grammar im very tired
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