A debuffer that gets stronger the more debuffs an enemy has.

Their name would be Reaper, because they're a combination of a Scarecrow, Farmer and well... the Reaper.

Classic name, I know. But it fits the farmer vibe.

Their playstyle is all about nurturing, preparing and then reaping fruits of their labour... Which means they have a length set up that can be disrupted (debuff remover, anyone?), but the payoff can be powerful and devastating.

They use a shotgun as a weapon, because what kind of farmer in the 19s didn't have a double barreled shotgun?

Violent Growth - Launch yourself with vines. Upon landing weeds will spread out from your position and wrap themselves around any enemies in range. This immediately inflicts Slow, and after a brief moment inflicts "Ripe".

Ripe heals any friendly player hits the affected hero with an Ability. It is basically Spirit Lifesteal as a debuff, allowing anyone from Reaper's team to heal by just smacking the dude with an ability.

Nurture - I... honestly ran out of ideas on what the Reaper could do here. Gameplay wise it will reduce enemy Spirit Resist and inflict them with "Debuff Amplification"

Debuff Amplification increases the duration and effect of any debuff that is placed on that enemy. Making every debuff last longer and become more potent. Infernus is going to love this.

Pesticide - Throw a can that explodes in a poisonous gas. Anyone affected has "Pesticide" inflicted upon them.

Pesticide is an unique DOT. Instead of dealing damage over time, it deals spirit damage... whenever the affected is hit with a weapon. When combined with an ally that has a fast firing gun, such as Haze or Wraith, it can deal an obscene amount of damage. However heroes such as Abrams or Shiv will be less effective on triggering the effect.

So each time Haze hit an enemy, she is going to deal her weapon damage + Bleed DOT. If combined with Ripe, it will also heal both the Reaper, who inflicted the DOT, and Haze, who triggered the DOT.


Reapening - Their Ult - After the long and arduous work, the Reaper swings their massive scythe and reaps the reward. Every enemy that is hit will have their debuffs refreshed, and their duration extended. They will also gain a new debuff called "Reaped", which prevents the debuffs from expiring or being purged. Every debuff is now going to stay for at least however long the Reaped lasts.

In addition. Reapening, deals extra damage and heals the Reaper for every type of the debuff they Reaped (so multiple movement slows won't stack, but movement slow and fire rate slow will). The Reaper will also get a powerful buff if they Reaped enemies with Ripe, Pesticide and Debuff Amp.

Pesticide grants him additional heal whenever they're attacked, scaling with their Spirit. So if an enemy cannot deal enough damage it might actually heal the Reaper.

Debuff Amplification increases their damage and armor.

Ripe grants them movement speed, resistance to slow, and lifesteal.
