A bit of feedback on EU servers selection - opt in/out feature request


New member
First of all let me preface this by saying that this game has been a blast for me and my friends to play on, so much so that we are playing the game 'competitively', something that we haven't done in years with other fully released titles.

I play on the European servers. In 200+ matches I have seen 6 server locations, namely Frankfurt (~30ms), Vienna(~50ms), Warsaw(~50ms), London(~50ms), Helsinki(~80ms), Stockholm/Stockholm - Bromma(~75ms). My friends also have a higher ping in the same server locations that I do.

I somehow end up playing the majority of my matches on the higher ping servers which creates a sour experience compared to the lower ping servers.

With that out of the way I'd love it if the Deadlock devs added the option for the players to outright ignore some servers from matching them. I understand that the game is in a developmental build and this might be "extra", but at higher elo lobbies any of these advantages create a sour laning experience. It also doesn't have to be just about the performance, it can also be because the server is usually populated by people with a very different culture, making communication hard.

Thanks for the good game Valve and for the support you give to the Linux ecosystem!
pretty much same experience as you so far, but i experienced that this can be frustrating especially when fighting for confirmation/denial of a minion kill since such ping gaps can really make the difference on who gets it (at least i think your problem could be the cause for it i might be totally wrong though)
pretty much same experience as you so far, but i experienced that this can be frustrating especially when fighting for confirmation/denial of a minion kill since such ping gaps can really make the difference on who gets it (at least i think your problem could be the cause for it i might be totally wrong though)

Yeah it's a large part of what I'm trying to convey here, ping differences between someone that for example has 80ms and someone that has 10ms are greatly exacerbated in higher levels of play, from denies/confirmations of orbs to getting hit when you otherwise wouldn't be or your abilities seemingly hitting from your POV but not connecting on the game server; but as I mentioned it's also the culture/language difference that you can encounter, more often than not the Scandinavian servers have players that don't speak English.
I see no point in me not playing the majority of my games in say Frankfurt, instead of Helsinki/Stockholm, as it just makes the experience objectively worse.