A bit of a unique hero mechanic


New member
I was thinking through all of the hero based games, be they shooters or mobas or otherwise, and trying to think of ability mechanics that I have never seen done before that could be interesting, and came up with the list below. Please feel free to rip them apart in replies or build off of them to create your own :)

1: Prop Hunt Skill: A skill that transforms you into an item in the environment (Possibly set a flag on certain items in the environment so that they highlight green when the ability is activated, and the player aims the crosshair at an item that is highlighted green and clicks to become that item for a duration. This could come with a positive/negative as well that is dependent on both the skill of the player disguised, and the player being ambushed. EX: when the transformed player fires their primary weapon, they lose the transformation immediately and gain a damage or firerate buff, but if they are shot by an enemy while transformed they are briefly stunned or slowed). This would be a kind of funny skill, and would cause a lot of personal enjoyment in kind of an ambushing character made to primarily jungle (Apologies for the league terminology, if you are unfamiliar, "jungling" is when a character is made to primarily focus on farming the neutral monsters around the map while surprising and ambushing enemies).

2: Co-Op precision shooting skill: A skill that makes your next shot leave a target on an enemy for several seconds that another player can hit with a skill or primary attack to deal extra damage or effects. This would be great on a support sniper character in my opinion and want to support characters like Vindicta or Grey Talon. I was thinking that the target become a small physical circular object attached to the character model so that it rewards the skill of being able to actually hit it, as well as knowing how to prevent the target that just hit your character from being damaged.

3: Heli-Evac skill: A skill that would grant the user the ability to fly and a speed boost for several seconds. During this, if they run into another character, the skill user would gain a barrier and "pick up" the other character, allowing them to carry them away. I do understand that this ability is incredibly strong, and was thinking it could be balanced by having it so that if the skill user's barrier is broken while they are carrying another character, or if they are hit with a stun, it would cause the skill to end and they would fall to the ground and be stunned.

4: Drone auto attacks: This one would more-so have a whole character built around it, but the idea I had was to have a character's primary attack do only 10 damage with a single shot dart pistol that only has 1 round per reload. The primary attack would leave a "mark" on the target that causes the (up to) 4 drones surrounding the character to fire upon the target (Could also set this so the drones fire upon the same spot the dart lands allowing the drones to headshot, but with reduced critical damage, rewarding skilled play while not being hit for 4000 damage because someone landed one bullet). These drones would have low base damage each, be generated from the first ability (allowing the character to benefit heavily from cooldown reduction), and also have a health bar so that they are destroyable (allowing skilled counterplay if enemies can rapidly destroy the drones, as well as natural counter play from large AOE abilities). All weapon damage, range, spirit damage, health, and defenses would be copied to the drones, though health and armor increases would have to come at a reduced rate. The rest of the character's kit could be centered around these drones such as ability 2 giving them a range and fire rate increase to chase down targets you marked that are escaping and almost dead, ability 3 being a mobility skill, and ability 4 causing the drones to converge on an enemy for several seconds or even fire a rocket barrage. Depending on the base value for the range of the drones this character could be a tank for severely close ranges, or a dps at a slightly shortened mid range.
"Unique Hero Mechanic!"

1: Prop Hunt is just a worse get away tool/invisibility mechanic that other characters already have that doesn't require mapping out what props are ones you can take on and which ones aren't.

2: This is just marked for death, which doesn't make sense in this game like it does in something like TF2. This game has pretty good damage scaling so your goal shouldn't just be dealing more damage per hit but locking someone down so they keep getting it while you aren't.

3: You have just described Ivy's Ult, but worse, because you'd have the start up time and then the period of vulnerability while trying to get to your teammate.

4: Mcginnus is all of this, but better, because the idea of someone exclusively relying on turrets and marking someone to damage in a MOBA like this is a bad idea. Genuinely stop and think "If I forced Mcginnus to have a sniper rifle to do anything which only has 1 shot and if she misses she will lose any and every interaction in the game, would that make her a fun character to play?" for a moment. The answer is no.

Creative ideas, but really really flawed in aggressive ways. Play more heroes and vibe out a bit more with the game.