500 soul Item against Poke in early game


An item that costs 500 gives the player 50-80 Spirit Shield and has a passive that regenerates 20-40 life after the player is hit by an ability with a 10 second cooldown.
The item gives no other buffs to the player and only helps him to survive the laning phase better against lane bullies and is basically useless in the late game.
I feel like healing rite is supposed to be the item against early poke... Though healing rite feels really bad. I like your suggestion. Another suggestion could be activated item that gives a spirit shield for a few seconds
Most of the early game items do provide regen or some other form of health. Laning should be a battle to the death IMO. If you are struggling you can buy Monster Rounds and/or Ammo Scavenger and just fight the creeps.
Could just take away the part from Healing Rite that stops ticking when you take player damage, and it'd be not terrible.
You have a good point with Healing Rite, but Healing Rite to me is an item that gives a lot more options than what I'm suggesting here. For example, Healing Rite is still very useful in the late game if you want to heal 400 health quickly to hover over a possible team fight instead of basing or generally in the early/mid game you can use healing rite and to clear camps with the effect active during it, because the effect is not interrupted by NPCs so almost every hero can clear 1/2 camps and then return to the lane without losing much health.
With this item I would like to offer an alternative to healing rite, something that is better than healing rite against poke heroes like Talon/Pocket/Paradox but not really viable against other heroes during the lane phase.

An example of why I would want such an item in the game: Currently in high elo lobbies there are players who are very good at paradox, they poke you low and deny you a lot of souls, without any real counter play. Without help they most of the time expand that lead into a early tower/kills, roam to other lanes or sometimes even take early walkers. Right now there is no good item that helps against it except healing rite and that doesn't really help either, I would like to farm as well as possible in such a lane and give up my kill preassure just to hold the tower and don't fall to far behind.
Healing shot, healing rite, regen, enduring spirit, there are already so many sustain items at 500cost. Also early game CD's are quite high this would make characters that are supposed to be strong lane bullies virtually irrelevant.
Either the defensive stats are going to be the same as existing items, or it will be unbalanced without some kind of drawback.
If it is stronger as existing defensive lanestay items, then it will be a must have for any character both dps/burst as tank/support... so that wont be useful.

So let me give a suggestion;
Warding Stone - 500 souls - active
100 bullet Shield
100 Spirit Shield
- 50% weapon damage against players
- 50% spirit damage and ability duration against players
Heal 250 hitpoints over 15 seconds (120 seconds cooldown)
Padded Armor (500)
Reduces weapon damage from guns by 4 and melee attacks by 40. Damage from NPCs is reduced by 20%.

Protective Runes (500)
Passive (30s)
Blocks the damage and effects of one source of incoming spirit damage. Gives a visual indicator that you are protected.
An item that costs 500 gives the player 50-80 Spirit Shield and has a passive that regenerates 20-40 life after the player is hit by an ability with a 10 second cooldown.
The item gives no other buffs to the player and only helps him to survive the laning phase better against lane bullies and is basically useless in the late game.
That will make lanes mostly trivial. We need something else besides healing rite but this is gonna be either too good and bought on everyone or too bad to buy it in written case. this is too strong.