4 Heroes For the Price of 1 (Free)


New member
Got caught in a loop of ideas so just gonna.. dump them all here on the off chance even a single idea is workable, and then try not to think about them anymore.
Big monster thing
The game needs those
Mix a chameleon with a scorpion with big teeth​

500 starting health. No sprint speed. Two stamina.
Low rate of fire, low ammo, very high bullet velocity laser shot from its tail.

Chomp down after a short delay, which counts as a light melee attack. Has a 2 second cooldown between charges. Kills restore health. If done while using Lick, immediately ends Lick on the target and stuns them for its remaining duration.
  • T1 - +1 Charge
  • T2 - Counts as a Heavy Melee Attack
  • T3 - Killing an enemy hero gives bonus health permanently, works retroactively
Launches tongue at targeted enemy, doing damage to it and anything along the way. Wraps tongue around an enemy hero and slows them for the duration, still able to do damage to other units if they touch the tongue for the first time. Breaks if target gets far enough away.
  • T1 - Also slows fire rate of damaged enemies
  • T2 - Reusing ability launches you to target, deals damage and applies slow
  • T3 - Gradually steals Weapon Damage (ala Static Link) from target
Passive. Gain 50 gun shield and 50 spirit shield. When either shield is broken, release an AOE of corresponding damage somehow proportional to the shield total.
  • T1 - Gain +1 movement speed when gun shield is full, +1 sprint when spirit shield is full
  • T2 - Shields regen sooner and faster
  • T3 - Segments shields into two pips (doubles T1 effect??)
Huge AOE around user. Enemies cannot see into it from outside, and enemies inside have limited vision within it. Deals a small amount of spirit damage to enemies inside. Has no effect on bosses.
  • T1 - Additional damage to individual target for each of their allies they cannot see
  • T2 - Able to cast ability from a distance, self-cast still available
  • T3 - Counts as a veil for allies (possibly just first entrance?)
Tanky anti-carry with an emphasis on shields, T3 on Darkness makes Veil Walker vital. Has to choose between stunning and sapping someone’s gun. Big brain play of CHOMPing at the last second of a LICK Launch, stunning and chunking the target.
Plant person!
Either a dryad or someone whose botany got a little out of hand​

550 health. One sprint speed. Three stamina.
Gun is moderate rate of fire, moderate damage, lowish ammo, moderate/high bullet velocity

1. Root
Throw a projectile that will tether enemies in an AOE for a short time, dealing minor damage, before snapping them to the center point. Escaping a slightly larger AOE will break the tether.
  • T1 - Additional damage done to targets when they collide with center, more per target
  • T2 - Interrupt upon colliding with center
  • T3 - Root has a leash shortly after collision
2. Seed
Target ally erupts with ethereal plantlife, maybe initially damaging them but increasing healing and regen for the duration.
  • T1 - Grants movement speed and fire rate
  • T2 - Sew is not ended by Harvest
  • T3 - Grants target 25(?) Spirit for the duration
3. Harvest
Deal damage in an AOE. Consume all instances of Root, Seed, and Bloom in the area, ending their effects. Heal for each instance consumed, and gain temporary cooldown reduction.
  • T1 - Increases range
  • T2 - +1 Charge
  • T3 - Cooldown of Harvest is reduced by Spirit total
4. Bloom
Plant an explosive flower, which takes a few seconds to grow. Cannot place instances within a certain distance of each other. Once fully grown, will explode after a brief delay when shot by [plant person] or if an enemy hero is within a short distance. Enemies can destroy it with a Heavy Melee attack.
  • T1 - Some more damage
  • T2 - Bloom flowers explode when consumed by Harvest
  • T3 - Reduces minimum distance between instances
Support/Initiator with AOE damage, but it’s all delayed. Not fantastic gun scaling but decent enough for lane. Mostly pretty long cooldowns, which can ideally be accelerated by frequent and powerful uses of Harvest.
Reporter/investigator Lady
Has a camera that steals people’s souls if it uses the flash, so she doesn’t use it.. anymore.
Would really like the Patron to put Jimmy’s soul back where it belongs.​

500 health. Two sprint speed. Three stamina.
Gun is high rate of fire, low/moderate damage, moderate/high ammo, moderate bullet velocity

1. Coffee?
Stand still and chug what might be a caffeinated beverage, recovering some health and entering an energized state. This state increases sprint speed and reduces debuff duration, but after four seconds begins to drain health at an increasing rate until deactivated.
  • T1 - Increases movement speed
  • T2 - Health restored gives an additional +% total health
  • T3 - Remove debuffs when you finish chugging
2. Annoy
Hurl insults and/or questions at a target, dealing damage and adding time to their last-used ability’s cooldown. (VA could have a lot of fun with this on a character basis)
  • T1 - Reduces cooldown
  • T2 - +1 Charge
  • T3 - Reduces target’s resistances by 15%
3. Jimmy
Briefly manifest the soul of James Whitlow, spectral mobster, to gun down your enemies. Jimmy will fire a revolver/shotgun/some meaty gun to complement your rapidfire peashooter, firing automatically for every 15 bullets you fire during the skill’s duration.
  • T1 - Increases duration
  • T2 - Jimmy fires every 10 bullets instead of every 15
  • T3 - Jimmy benefits from on-hit gun effects with 50% effectiveness
4. Snapshot
Enter a first person perspective with limited FOV. Take a picture within this FOV, freezing everything within range for three seconds after a delay. Affected targets are monochrome, cannot take any action, cannot heal, gain 100% spirit and bullet resistance, and have their cooldowns frozen.
  • T1 - Allies can heal while frozen
  • T2 - Allies’ cooldowns are unaffected
  • T3 - Enemies only gain 70% spirit and bullet resistance
An attempt at a mixed damage hard carry, mildly inspired by DOTA2’S Faceless Void. Jimmy and Snapshot probably have long cooldowns, so she has to remain annoying/elusive otherwise.
James Whitlow
Soulless, but still living, mobster
Does not want his soul back​

650 health. One sprint speed. Four stamina.
Gun is low rate of fire, low damage, low ammo, low/mid bullet velocity, almost no boon scaling
15% spirit resistance

1. Husk
Passive. Innate, and starts the game with this ability. Jimmy does not have a soul, and therefore cannot benefit from Spirit.
  • T0 - 15% of Spirit becomes Weapon, 15% of Spirit becomes Vitality
  • T1 - Jimmy’s innate spirit resistance is increased to 40%
  • T2 - 40% of Spirit becomes Weapon, 40% of Spirit becomes Vitality
  • T3 - Jimmy’s Spirit item slots are converted into Flex slots
2. PolterGauntlet
Activate a stolen piece of Fairfax tech and swing in an arc, silencing struck enemies. Counts as a light melee attack, does melee damage.
  • T1 - Adds flat spirit damage. Maybe 100?
  • T2 - Lowers cooldown
  • T3 - Knocks enemies in the center of the arc backwards, Stuns/Interrupts if they hit a wall
3. Soul Shredder (just pretend I didn’t accidentally pick a name an item already has)
Activate a different stolen object. Waves of slowing AOE emanate from Jimmy. Initially a cone in front of him.
  • T1 - Reduces Spirit damage output by 15%
  • T2 - Becomes a full circle AOE
  • T3 - Does more damage the higher a target’s Spirit is
4. Strongarm
Passive. Jimmy does additional melee damage. Parry bonus damage increased by 50%.
  • T1 - Active Items have a lower cooldown.
  • T2 - Jimmy gains two additional active item slots, default bindings being 1 and 4.
  • T3 - Jimmy gains a 5% discount from base/secret shops, 20% from lane shops
Anti-caster archetype with economy/item shenanigans. Theoretically can do that job with little to no farm thanks to 2 and 3’s low cooldowns, but eventually all that extra Weapon damage could make him a carry even with his awful starter gun. Probably a terrible idea but I liked the tie in from the reporter lady too much.
I actually really like the flavor and mechanics on all of them except I think Jimmy might be way overtuned unless since Husk starts unlocked it costs another full tier of AP to get to T3 forcing the player to decide if they want Flex slots at the cost of something else OR becoming urn runner to get extra AP, like instead of costing 8 to fully upgrade it costs 9 leaving them 1AP short *or more, running 1 urn isnt that hard* and putting a 20% discount on the ults T3 means its going to be rushed before its use decreases when all the lane shops are taken out. It's giving me Chromie vibes from HOTS though with her ability to unlock level upgrade tiers faster then anyone else so starts weak>ramps fast>falls off and levels out. But aside from any fine tuning they all seem fun.

I would also love to see the interactions between the Reporter, Jimmys soul, and souless Jim in a lane.
Honestly all 4 of these are great idea, I like how they mess with things a little, though I think changing spirit slots to flex slots would probably break something