文件 citadel_main
line 8~11
"OK" "好的"
"Cancel" "取消"
"Close" "关闭"
"DontShowAgain" "不再显示"
line 15
"欢迎来到 Deadlock。本游戏仍然处于开发初期,有很多临时艺术作品和实验性游戏玩法。欢迎所有反馈!"
"Welcome to Deadlock. This game is early in development, with a lot of temporary art and experimental gameplay. All feedback welcome!"
"temporary art and experimental gameplay" (采用)临时美术(设计及建模)、实验性游戏内容(不特指玩法方面)
"All feedback welcome" ”欢迎所有反馈“ ”所有“改”各类“(强调种类)
// Client only rich presence
line 25~26
"Citadel_RP_LookingToTrade" "想交易" "Looking To Trade"
"Citadel_RP_LookingToPlay" "想玩游戏" "Looking To Play"
问题出在Looking To Play翻译上,此处应该是希望组队(play (with)),前一条统一格式修改为希望交易
line 28~29
"Citadel_AlertPlayer_MatchReadyTitle" "比赛就绪"
"Citadel_AlertPlayer_MatchReadyText" "游戏已开始。"
// disconnection
line 140
"Citadel_Scoreboard_TeamKills" "击杀次数" "Kills"
// Discord Invite
虽然line 180有提到,但其他地方还是明确一下是邀请加入的是Discord频道为好。
line 169~170
"Citadel_DiscordInvite_AlreadyClaimedTitle" "已领取" "Already Claimed"
"Citadel_DiscordInvite_AlreadyClaimedText" "你已经接受了 Discord 邀请。每位用户只可接受一份邀请。" "You have already claimed your Discord invite. We only allow for a single invite per user."
”已邀请(领取)“建议改成”已被邀请“,have和have been的区别还是有的。
line 173~174
"Citadel_DiscordInvite_DisabledTitle" "已禁用" "Disabled"
"Citadel_DiscordInvite_DisabledText" "维护期间,Discord 邀请暂时禁用。请稍后再试。" "Discord invites have been temporarily disabled while we perform maintenance. Please try again in a little while."
line 178
"你确定要关闭 Discord 对话吗?此对话关闭后,你将无法再生成 Discord 邀请链接。"
"Are you sure you want to close the Discord Dialog? You will no longer be able to generate a Discord invite link once this dialog is closed."
line 180
"如下所示,你已受邀加入 Deadlock 的 Discord 频道,将链接复制到浏览器中并按照提示加入。"
"Your invite to join the Deadlock discord is listed below, copy the link into a browser and follow the prompts to join."
// User Feedback
line 198~199
"Citadel_UserFeedback_eType_CriticalBug" "严重错误" "Critical Bug"
"Citadel_UserFeedback_eType_Bug" "错误" "Bug"
line 264少了一条"Citadel_MatchHistory_ServerIssue",此喽后续行数以简中为准
line 307
"Citadel_Hud_OpenShop" "按下 [ {s:upgrade_key} ] 选购" "Press [ {s:upgrade_key} ] to Shop"
line 311~313
"Citadel_Hud_CheaterVoteCaption" "{s:cheater_name}"
"Citadel_Hud_CheaterVoteAlert" "Someone in your game was caught cheating..."
"Citadel_Hud_CheaterVoteAlert_Action" "Hold <span class=\"keybind\">[{s:show_scoreboard}]</span> to decide their fate"
"Citadel_Hud_CheaterVote_Option_Ban" "立即封禁" "Ban and<br>Leave Match"
"Citadel_Hud_CheaterVoteCaption" "玩家 {s:cheater_name} 作弊被抓。"
"Citadel_Hud_CheaterVote_Option_Play" "现在变青蛙,稍后再封禁" "Frog Now,<br>Ban Later"
frog now的now完全没必要翻出来,直接“变为青蛙”就行