Recent content by zitchaden

  1. Z

    Inconsistent shooting delay after melee attack

    Bump, so annoying that there is no indicator at all for this.
  2. Z

    Alt Fire Melee

    indicator would be nice, but it is crazy that this fire-lock is a constant time, even if i scale my gun firerate to maximum - as soon as i melee, i cant shoot for full duration just the same as if i had 0 firerate items. it is promoting me to not use cool combos and instead spam alt fire :(
  3. Z

    m2 as alternate cast button (confirm cast setting) no longer works

    zoom cancels the item confirmation while fire doesn't. it makes sense for the default self cast to be m2, when the primary is m1.
  4. Z

    using xbox controller joystick in the item buy menu unusable by default

    75% SOLUTION HERE: Double bind both analog xbox joystick and regular WASD movement to your analog device (in my case it is an azeron, see screenshot). This is so when Steam Input disables the xbox joystick movement functionality in the Deadlock buy menu, (for some reason), the regular WASD...
  5. Z

    using xbox controller joystick in the item buy menu unusable by default

    HALF-SOLUTION HERE: Unbind left joystick menu cursor in Steam Input to something useless. This allows for normal mouse cursor usage. BUT YOU CAN NO LONGER MOVE WHILE IN MENU, AND IF YOU WERE MOVING, YOU WILL CONTINUE IN THAT DIRECTION UNTIL YOU CLOSE THE BUY MENU. GRRRR ME ANGRY
  6. Z

    using xbox controller joystick in the item buy menu unusable by default

    to replicate: try using xbox joystick to move around, then try to use the buy menu. The movement joystick is also used for the buy menu cursor!!! And locks your character moving where the joystick cursor (in buy menu) is compared to center of screen. I like analog movement and mouse in the...
  7. Z

    No animations or sound and half my usual FPS this patch

    Unplayable :(, seems like a lot of features were added tho, I'll wait for performance to come back... TOO BAD I HAVE TO TEST MY PERFORMANCE IN RANKED GAMES BECAUSE THERE IS NO CASUAL!
  8. Z

    Replay animations and models completely broken

    Example REPLAY MATCHID: 28509095 (STILL NOT WORKING AS OF 25/11/2024) The animations work in the beginning loading phase where everyone is facing each other, but when we TP to the zipline, much like in-game currently, we have no zip-line animation and this extends to all the animations in the...
  9. Z

    Vindicta Ultimate Instant Shot

    I was going to lose my mind with this as a 4 active melee cancel Vindicta main. THX FIX YOSHI
  10. Z

    scoping in vindicta during ethereal shift messes up fov (permanently zoomed without scope, until you scope and unscope again)

    title, also see similar "Vindicta Bugged into scope level zoom after getting stunned." report
  11. Z

    Warp stone during ethereal shift

  12. Z

    Vindicta can no longer down dash during flight if the "fly down key = crouch key", which was the default setting before (and most intuitive)!

    Title. It can work if I have seperate fly down and fly up keys meaning to move in flight I need to press 4 ADDITIONAL non wasd keys, crazy. And her quickscope stopped working... She's buffed, but feels worse to play and express mechanical skill.