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  1. V


    WHY DO ABANDONED MATCHES COUNT IN STATS?!!! im literally deranking every single game cuz someone on my team leaves.
  2. V

    Healing audio playing non stop

    happens mostly when im certainly dead but then use bloodletting, so kinda makes me think that the audio plays like thinking you respawned after death, cuz youre alive but should have been dead
  3. V

    Healing audio playing non stop Matchid : 23164299, in the replays you can never hear this sound as mentioned, posting it now in hopes all of this isnt ignored cuz i dont provide a match ID
  4. V

    Healing audio playing non stop
  5. V

    Healing audio playing non stop

    still happening every day i play shiv. :)
  6. V

    Healing audio playing non stop the bug is still in the game.
  7. V

    Healing audio playing non stop

    and again.
  8. V

    Healing audio playing non stop

  9. V

    Healing audio playing non stop

    i noticed it happens when you use your 3rd in combat
  10. V

    Healing audio playing non stop happened again
  11. V

    Healing audio playing non stop

    sorry if im spamming, just downloaded the replay, you can not hear it on the replay, but for me it sounds just like the clip i posted in the first post, since mirage came out this happens ever 2-3rd game
  12. V

    Healing audio playing non stop

    reinstalled the game, thinking its something on my end, but other players can't hear it, only me. happened again, match ID: 18698478 dunno where exactly it happened, cant download the replay yet(also not sure if its heard on the replay since only me hears it, when im dead and switch to watching...
  13. V

    Healing audio playing non stop Started happening 2days ago, 3 times today, sometimes its random, just now i had it after i parried, i only play shiv so not sure if it's just on him, but its so annoying cuz it won't stop, i tried everything, once it happens i...