Wait, I thought that's a feature. Was it not something known? Pretty sure I saw a video on YouTube about a week ago talking about it being added in some patch.
I made the wording on backtrack as it is to prevent flying back to buildings if you used burrow there(or in the air). It is kinds like tracer from OW.
Thanks for your feedback.
Because if they are not oppressive, they lose tempo and become useless. Especially apparent on Calico bcs all she has is damage, damage and damage. If you don't deal enough damage after the lane, you are not doing anything for the team. That why heroes like dynamo and viscous have bad guns for...
And now, with a single soul, heroes with faster bullets have an advantage, Vindicta needs 1 shot with her crazy bullet velocity to steal all the souls and get the - respawn time. If you make it several souls with a time between their apearence(as it is now) she has to use more ammo and spend...
You are missing the point though. Ease of soul denying and securing is something that helps balance out the characters. You can give everyone the same rapid fire rifle, it will be the most "Fair" thing to do, but it will be boring and break the laning phase as it is now. Heroes being "unfair" in...
They are not shotguns,(i don`t even know how to clasify them). And Calico is bad at shooting down souls from a distance, since you need to aim down or up depending on the distance. Wrait or Haze still better.
Edit: Mo & Krill weapon might be a shotgun, but calico def isn`t
Ok, one idea i had for this version of the shield is making the damage fixed and adding a stun(something like 1-1.5s is good). This way it becomes a counter item. For example Mo&Krill ults you at full HP and gets stunned. It also feels fair, because the enemy can knock your shields and then use...