Recent content by Spear

  1. Spear

    Messing with your quickbuy queue in shop can sometimes lock you out of inputs for a time-

    Title. Ive had this happen numerous times, basically stuns me for 10 seconds until i am allowed to input again, do not know how to fix it. only happens in shop when messing with quickbuy
  2. Spear

    Funny, goofy sinclair bug- his 2 (clone) remains visually permanently if you echo shard and use it before the duration is over

    Play sinclair, get an echo shard, press your clone on the ground. Swap to it, then use echo shard and place another clone. the original clone will not shoot (good, intended) but it will stay PERMANENTLY there during the game. If you want to be goofy, place a ton of em all over the place, you can...
  3. Spear

    if you use assassinate last second as Sinclair, you will have assassinate until death

    This happened to me last game. I had vin's ult for like 6 minutes straight.
  4. Spear

    Mo and Krill burrow can fling creeps into the sky

    For some reason, on numerous occasions throughout mo matches, ive seen creeps i burrowed launch into the sky. This occurs even more often on Yellow lane. yellow lane creeps for me spawn the weirdest and have the most skybox bugs
  5. Spear

    Harmless but strange perma-zipline walking bug

    I wish I could show a new angle, but replays for some reason dont let me watch them; always says it is not ready yet. my character had like a weird fake zipline attached to his hands. also ima use steam recording from here on, windows built in kinda sux
  6. Spear

    Harmless but strange perma-zipline walking bug

    I was moving around at normal speed, the section of zipline i jumped on actually visually followed my hero, and all it took to cancel it was pressing jump. It was completely harmless, but it looks very funny. here is the bug in video form. If you watch the replay, 27695069 is the id. the time is...
  7. Spear

    New lash bug- camera becomes super zoomed in on dive

    heres a video showing it. seems to get worse with more ults/dives.
  8. Spear

    New lash bug- camera becomes super zoomed in on dive

    It seems to happen if u dive immediately after the ult
  9. Spear

    New lash bug- camera becomes super zoomed in on dive

    this never happened before. it feels like a 30% chance to randomly become super zoomed in when diving now. Also, on another note, the visual changes to his ult suck, and I hate them. I loved the little ring letting me know who I could ult, it was clear and extremely helpful in teamfights.
  10. Spear

    Really strange but funny lash dive bug

    wonder where else this could happen on the map
  11. Spear

    Infernus midboss steal against 6

    this was a really cool team
  12. Spear

    Owl explosion triple kill

  13. Spear

    Insane visual bug on seven- electric skeleton

    Imgur Link (media insert not working) Shows up as normal in replay- just a goofy skeleton man on my screen though. Funny clip, did report on bug reports too
  14. Spear

    bebop superjump

    if you uppercut and zipline at almost the same time, uppercut will cancel the zipline and youll just jump straight up without touching the zipline; or at least thats what i think is happening in this clip
  15. Spear

    Changing Grey Talon ult keymaps does not change detonate keymap

    I am weird. my ult keymap is tied to Q for grey talon. When I ultied as Grey Talon, it still said to press Q to detonate; when in reality u still need to press SPACE to blow up the owl. The bug is that it tells me Q is to detonate, and it threw me off in a couple important moments. Its not a...