Recent content by SkeletonHoney

  1. SkeletonHoney

    T4 Spirit Item - Amulet Of Manipulation

    Very interesting concept! I like an item like this that still give the enemy an option. Feels like the passive stealing and not just giving resist would makes it too strong though. More importantly how would this item work if multiple people had it? Teams with 2 or 3 building this item would...
  2. SkeletonHoney

    Give Abrams the glowing eye on his activated book back.

    The old model's pink eye graphic above his active siphon contrasted nicely against his blue character model and made it way easier to tell if it was active when dueling him. Its hard to tell if you're in the aoe once youre inside it and the pink eye was very readable during his punching...
  3. SkeletonHoney

    Fists of Fury T3 Gun

    That could work too, you just keep saying % of clip and it keeps confusing me because nothing else works like that.
  4. SkeletonHoney

    Fists of Fury T3 Gun

    The marking requirements are too complicated, I would just have any melee attack (possibly any melee damage? could be too strong on certain heros) mark the target (with the sound queue) and then a follow up heavy melee would produce the stun. The melee speed change I think has to go yes. I think...
  5. SkeletonHoney

    66th Street's Six Point Sale (Item Collection)

    Would you get an assist upon killing an ally with a spirit projectile you Cycloned onto them? Also Breathless Escape seems like it may not even synergize with Superior Stamina due to the second passive but it feels like it should due to the first passive, maybe the second passive can activate...
  6. SkeletonHoney

    Fists of Fury T3 Gun

    Your item would feel very cumbersome to use and annoying to fight against, the mark into melee combo mechanic (its a very cool idea, would work better as an actual hero ability/passive) is the most complicated item passive in the game by far and faster melees and cc would piss people off, i feel...
  7. SkeletonHoney

    Fists of Fury T3 Gun

    +8% Spirit Resist +25% melee damage +1 m/s Move Speed 10% Fire Rate slow Passive Your Melee Attacks apply stacking negative melee resist (or melee amp) on the target. -6% for light melees and -10% for heavy melees. duration 18s and melee attacks heal for 12% of the damage dealt. This could...
  8. SkeletonHoney

    melee bound to scroll wheel down makes quick melee animation not appear

    I bound melee to scroll wheel down for ease of use and noticed it did not produce an animation save for the white horizontal woosh but it still functions normally otherwise dealing damage. I assumed it was client side but just recently i found that others were confused by my lack of animations...