Recent content by Shnobz

  1. Shnobz

    Weapon diversity is lacking because of Souls

    True. But on practice the most oppressive heroes are also the most effective at denying souls. For some reason.
  2. Shnobz

    Weapon diversity is lacking because of Souls

    Yet, Calico and Mo still exist
  3. Shnobz

    Weapon diversity is lacking because of Souls

    I suggest single soul simply because shotguns will have an unfair advantage against multiple souls.
  4. Shnobz

    Weapon diversity is lacking because of Souls

    Because souls become less important, right. Which is also a problem, in my opinion. My suggestion: 1) Killed heroes release one special "hero soul" instead of several regular ones (which, for some reason, lowers my FPS into oblivion each time several people die in a team fight) 2) Hero souls...
  5. Shnobz

    Weapon diversity is lacking because of Souls

    If Soul Catcher is implemented, the weapons should not be able to finish orbs at all. As I said, weapons and soul farming should be fully separated from each other in this case.
  6. Shnobz

    Custom Resolution (1920x1080) with Full Screen not available

    This bug is still there.
  7. Shnobz

    1920x1080 (60hz) Is not possible in fullscreen

    This bug is still there.
  8. Shnobz

    Weapon diversity is lacking because of Souls

    Which is not true. You still use your weapon to fight enemy heroes and to kill creeps and structures. And you also use Soul Catcher to "finish" souls. Think of Soul Catcher as something similar to melee - it is an universal mechanic avaliable for all heroes, which you use on top of your hero...
  9. Shnobz

    Weapon diversity is lacking because of Souls

    It will require one more animation for each hero. Which is absolutely doable, considering early stage of development of the game. How would Soul Catcher works is debatable. I see it as special ranged attack. Something like a magical dart shooting from a free hand. Or a shotgun-like spray...
  10. Shnobz

    Weapon diversity is lacking because of Souls

    Or it could be a weapon which you constantly use and ability slot could be used for an actual ability.
  11. Shnobz

    Weapon diversity is lacking because of Souls

    Deadlock's gameplay is a mix of MOBA elements, high-skill movement tech and shooter. While MOBA elements are well designed and movement mechanics feel great, the shooting part is underdeveloped. It is not bad by any means, but there are a lot of room for improvements. My biggest problem with...