Change Log:
Gun is shotgun like to better reflect the new concept of being up close and personal as a healer. It is called Messy Medicine.
Heat Wave is moved to slot 1
New 3: Burning Vengeance (Passive)
As your HP gets lower, your movement speed, bullet damage and bullet lifesteal increase...
A Fate’s Tale:
Mortals souls require reaping regardless of the age. It is inescapable that everyone dies. The Irish speak of the Dullahan, a headless knight who rides a jet black horse. Those who are fated to die have a basin worth of blood thrown into their faces. Death is inevitable...
Likely will need some amount of tweaking then. Wanted to see how others thought of the concept and maybe marketing the character as an in the thick of it healer would work better.
Meant to be a not durable healer who thrives at being the back line support
Backstory: (M)
Ixians are a hardy bunch. They’ve been through many a conflict in their lives. Some have accepted their place in America, while others chose to stay in their home plane. Despite the raging...