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  • G'day! Any admin able to help with invite problems? Forum account worked from June 5th, but had no email with either a key (old system) or app link (new system) since. Nothing in spam/deleted emails.

    Wasinvited on the email attached to below Steam account, just wondering if I have some kind of invite problem🙏

    Thanks for any help in advance :love:

    I don't think I answered your first question but if by 'friend time limit' you mean the time you need to be friends with someone so they can invite you, it should be a week give or take.
    old account
    old account
    Awesome, thanks @nospine! It's really odd, unless there's something wrong I don't know about. I was invited under the old system and got this forum account, so just wondering if the process said 'yes' to creating a forum account but never sent the mail, or whether it's a problem for some reason with my steam account (shouldn't be). Ah well - will keep trying, thanks for taking the time!
    The same email where you got your forum account info should've had a Steam key if you got in with the old system. The new system gives you a link at the bottom of the email that automatically adds the game to your account if the correct Steam account was selected during the referral. Try sending Yoshi a pm or replying to the Deadlock email you received to see if you can get any help.
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