Recent content by MissPotato

  1. M

    SOUL ORBS invisible?

    idk what happened today but it is significantly worse today. I had one game where I couldn't see any orbs at all.
  2. M

    SOUL ORBS invisible?

    It seems like the issue is caused by the latency added to orbs to better account for high ping. It seems like the client is thinking it popped the orb, and thus not rendering it. Perhaps just giving orbs a minimum rendering lifetime would solve this?
  3. M

    Video settings reset every time I re open the game

    Can you share your game launch options?
  4. M

    Performance degradation from mini-patch

    It seems like since around when the hotfix to solve the map artifacts released performance has tanked bit. After the11-21-2024 Update patch, my performance had gotten noticeably better, especially in late game fights. It also felt pretty good this morning when I was playing earlier. I stopped...
  5. M

    Matchmaking put us in wrong server

    My team of all Americans, with some one West Coast, one mid-west, and two East Coast players got put into a match in the EU server. We all had very high ping making the game nearly unplayable. 28744100 I don't think this fits in the mega thread, because this seems to be an issue with the actual...
  6. M

    McG turrets oilletting is not rewarding souls

    If a turret dies from oilletting it will not award the souls to the killer. Meaning the only way to be rewarded souls is for the turret to be killed with any source of damage below 33% of their hp. There is also a weird edgecase where occasionally souls will be automatically denied rewarding...
  7. M

    McG's Turret attack speed bugs are worse with math.

    This is in reference to how turrets incorrectly display their DPS. The DPS counter assumed they attack 2/s. When they used to attack 1.7/s. Now, turrets attack about 77 times in their 24 second duration. This results in 3.2/s. This results in a 32 DPS, instead of the advertised 40 dps. Which is...
  8. M

    Game Stuttering at random points

    You want "LD_PRELOAD="" MANGOHUD=1 %command%" Its because you have two %commansd%
  9. M

    McG turret HP mechanic seems to be... wonky.

    1) When the turret is supposed to expire, the self destruct damage is delayed meaning they last longer than they should. 2) It seems in the 2nd second the turret can actually take 66% hp. 33% max hp of the damage from the previous second and then 33% from new sources of damage in the current...
  10. M

    Severe Stuttering on Linux after 30 minute mark in match

    I believe the issue is linux specific, but it could also be the recording update that is causing your issue. i have no idea tho as I don't use windows.
  11. M

    Dropping Inputs on Held Keys + Game Stuttering and Freezing.

    Ah okay, sorry my advice is linux only
  12. M

    Severe Stuttering on Linux after 30 minute mark in match

    It is caused by steam, as the thread points out adding LD_PRELOAD="" %command% to your launch options should help until valve fixes it. The issue seems to be tied to the steam interface itself, including the overlay. Adding the above disables the overlay from hooking into the game.
  13. M

    Game Stuttering at random points

    Try addingLD_PRELOAD="" %command% to your launch options. It is a known issue that Valve's new clipping feature is causing performance issues in all games on Linux. It is possible this is what you're experiencing. Turning off recording inside of steam itself doesn't even fix it.
  14. M

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    Match id: 27595937 The issue is specifically the Paradox. I think she got royally fucked by match making.