Recent content by Mikeymouse

  1. Mikeymouse

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    ID:33530444 Same as last time but somehow even worse. What is the point of matchmaking if the games it forms are unwinnable, an 8 subrank difference (with 2 top 10 players) is just absurd. Please just don't form matches when the ranks are this unbalanced.
  2. Mikeymouse

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    ID: 33529341 Hazzy and Sen X, the #1 and #7 players in oce respectively queue as a party making it impossible to form balanced games as the playerbase in oceania is too small. Please restrict party mmr or just change the queue so it doesn't form games with rank divides like this. This is not...
  3. Mikeymouse

    parrying after getting hit and still stunning

    Match id: 33521597 Time stamp: around 15:12 (replay timer is a little bugged and isn't showing properly) I (wraith) got punched by a seven and parried pretty much immediately after, I still took the damage but half a second later the seven got stunned by the parry despite turning around to run.
  4. Mikeymouse

    stunned during yamato ult

    Match id:33406034 During the invincible transformation period of yamato's ult a dynamo ulted, immediately after the transformation ended I was stunned despite shadow form still being active. (was repeatable in sandbox)
  5. Mikeymouse

    Djinn's mark stack count not shown on players

    The number of Djinn's mark stacks are not visible on players, but still visible on npcs. (tested in private game and sandbox)
  6. Mikeymouse

    Sinner's Sacrifice last hit timer has inconsistent starting position

    Pretty sure that's intentional.
  7. Mikeymouse

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    Match id: 32674073 Extremely unbalanced game, they had the 4th and 17th highest ranked players in oce (both eternus 6) and they intentionally swapped to lower elo lanes. The highest ranked player on my team (as far as I can tell) was only oracle 6, 3 ranks and 18 subranks below their two eternus...
  8. Mikeymouse

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    Match id:31342522 Game was a complete stomp with the bebop and mo completely rolling their lane (12 lane kills) and an almost six rank gap between the teams.
  9. Mikeymouse

    got dragged around by lash as kelvin

    I used my ice path above a lash and it led to me getting attached and dragged around by him for 3 or so seconds. Match id: 30247143 time: 7:34
  10. Mikeymouse

    Dynamo Punching (and dashing) while using Ultimate. Bug or cheat?

    Definitely a bug, they changed rejuvenating aura so dynamo can melee through it. But it added a bug where if you use it before you ult you can still punch.
  11. Mikeymouse

    Crash and being unable to rejoin the match (Overflow Error?)

    Also got it. Match id: 28636186
  12. Mikeymouse

    Double component item buying bug

    This bug has been in the game for quite a while, I hope they fix it soon.
  13. Mikeymouse

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    26501917 Every lane except mine (paradox) was a roll finished in 17 minutes, but game was pretty much over in 5-10.