Recent content by jadenjaden64

  1. jadenjaden64

    magician targeting bugged

    Magicians spectral assistant targeting is completely bugged and randomly locks on jungle or structures or incorrect targets ( may or may not be correlated to latency) here is an example of me using it in a game and it is stuck locking on what appears to be the patron behind what im targeting...
  2. jadenjaden64

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

  3. jadenjaden64

    weird camera bug

    I've had this bug a couple of times, usually stemming from some weird rapidly changing camera angle interaction in game like the one pictured but I thought id share bug went away after yamato
  4. jadenjaden64

    Grey Talon’s Trap

  5. jadenjaden64

    Abilities not being unlocked when pressed multiple times

    I am not alone in this issue nor is it the first time, but there is definitely some issues regarding unlocking abilities