Recent content by HylianSeven

  1. H

    Film Director

    This was something I thought of last night, and as I was typing this thread this topic came up in the suggestions: I really like that one too, but here is my own take on it...
  2. H

    pre-loading map and shaders popup persistent

    I'm having this issue as well, running latest Proton on Arch Linux. Trying this and it actually works, no noticeable performance change either, although I only tried this in a hero practice lobby for a few minutes, not a real game. I'll stick with this until there's ideally a fix to make...
  3. H

    Hero with Mass Effect 1-style overheating mechanic

    Technically, but not mechanically. You still have to "reload" as Infernus even if you stop shooting. What I'm talking about would be a meter that builds up as you keep shooting, but when you stop shooting, it goes down. If it overheats, you end up in a longer "cooldown" animation than reloads in...
  4. H

    Hero with Mass Effect 1-style overheating mechanic

    I looked at the heroes not playable yet, but are in the console and I saw one has exactly this! I don't know if it was made before I made this post, but if it was inspired by this, thank you Valve!
  5. H

    HTML tags can be used to flood the chat and cover an entire part of your screen

    Hopefully this gets fixed soon, but that sounds a bit worrisome. Is there a way to mute players? I assume some people are inevitably going to spam a certain shock image...
  6. H

    Hero with Mass Effect 1-style overheating mechanic

    Playing Yamato for the first time recently, and seeing how different her "gun" is compared to everyone else made me think of this. Since not all "guns" have to have the ability to ADS, I think this could be extended to guns having ammo and reloading. In Mass Effect 1, weapons did not have ammo...
  7. H

    Lash first and second skill stuck above doorway

    See the attached screenshot for location. There was an enemy hero just inside the doorway below and I used my second skill on him to become airborne, then used the first skill to slam down, this got me stuck in the "slam" animation on the top of the doorway. I had to use the "Unstuck hero"...