Recent content by Geneva

  1. Geneva

    Magnificent Sinclair Ult Visual/Audio difference please.

    This forum is meant for concepts for new heroes, not feedback on existing heroes. It's likely the devs won't see your feedback here. Post in the Hero Gameplay forum instead.
  2. Geneva

    Sinclair upgrading copied ultimate does not carry over upgrade points

    Upgrading Sinclair's ultimate ability while another ultimate is copied will give the upgraded effects of whatever ultimate is currently copied, but once the copied ultimate is used or its duration expires, the base ultimate (Audience Participation) does not receive the upgrade. The copied...
  3. Geneva

    Item which temporarely suppresses or reduces the effects of anti-heal

    Healing Booster already has this effect.
  4. Geneva

    Four reasons that must remove the deny green balls

    Not a bug, devs won't listen to gameplay feedback here. Post your thoughts here: General Gameplay
  5. Geneva

    McGinnis turret not spawning soul orbs after marked-for-death

    If a hero reduces a turret's health to 0 within the first 4 seconds of its lifetime, it will not spawn a soul orb when it expires. As a consequence of this, players who want to gain souls from McGinnis' turrets must wait at least 4 seconds after it is deployed before dealing damage to the...
  6. Geneva

    Deadmock - create mock tooltips for your item and ability ideas

    This is great! It might be useful for this forum if there was an option to copy the item description as plaintext. It would make items easier to search for and compile large amounts of items as data, if the devs would want to do either.
  7. Geneva

    Mirage all Headshot

    Clearly not a cheater to me. He frequently misses and he hits more bodyshots than headshots. When enemies are behind a veil, he aims at where they were before he lost sight of them instead of tracking their movement without sight. Also, he gets hits by melees multiple times. Most of his parries...
  8. Geneva

    Got comm banned for nothing.

  9. Geneva

    Exploit: Landing on an enemy walker prevents it from attacking

    Bumping this up. Only learned of this exploit today and I was surprised to learn it's been known for months.
  10. Geneva

    Infuser times 20 instead of plus 20

    Multiple sources of lifesteal multiply with each other ever since the October 10 update. Not a bug.
  11. Geneva

    500 Soul Weapon Activatable: Critical Hit

    Why would this be an active item if the cooldown starts when you shoot a target? If the effect is only desirable on heroes, then it can just be a passive that only triggers on heroes.
  12. Geneva

    66th Street's Six Point Sale (Item Collection)

    Are you familiar with snails?
  13. Geneva

    66th Street's Six Point Sale (Item Collection)

    What? Which part of this post is a sexual innuendo?
  14. Geneva

    66th Street's Six Point Sale (Item Collection)

    [response to the main post] I'd like to know your inspiration behind each of these items' designs. What roles do these items fill that are distinct from items that already exist? Also, why do you think these should be items, accessible to everyone, instead of an ability for a new hero? As an...
  15. Geneva

    66th Street's Six Point Sale (Item Collection)

    Do you understand how rude and unconstructive these comments are? If you want people to listen to your feedback, stop acting like this.