Recent content by flouxcomunity

  1. F

    Pocket campimg creeps at spawn

    oh my god this is horrible LOL
  2. F

    Yet Another Hacker

    Yeah bro i made another forum post - Its here ""
  3. F

    Can you do something about the fucking cheaters dude?

    Can you do something about the fucking cheaters dude?
  4. F

    Blatant Cheater Report 3

    Just got off of the game with another cheater, using all types of aimbot, wallhack, auto parry and auto denying souls. It would be great if @Yoshi or VALVE could do something about this, its getting so out of hand. I will honestly stop playing the game soon. We won the game somehow, but this...
  5. F

    Yet Another Hacker

    This is absurd lol. Just got off game with another cheater, idk how but we won. I guess he was THAT bad. He was duo with another guy.
  6. F

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    34133875 - Horrible. I was clearly out of their rank grouping. It was just a farm point and click shooter for me which lead me to winning the game.
  7. F

    Yet Another Hacker

  8. F

    Cheater Report Nr 2

    Yeah lol 61% hs ratio.. he's closet cheating..
  9. F

    Cheater Report Nr 2

    3rd game of the day and i came across another one, this is getting dumb - i cant tell if at this point its my paranoia, but come on.. nr 1 damage is 20% of all damage headshot - critical? And the crap this dude was pulling ingame with the jump-pads and the kegs is just suspicious. always knows...
  10. F

    Cheater on Vindicta

    Still not banned lol
  11. F

    Cheater Report Nr 2

    34108744 Level 1 steam throw-away account, cheating as abrams.. He even got all the abilities on the map without hitting them... and auto skills / stun, everytihng. I fucking hate this game man. Even got the auto soul deny aimbot.
  12. F

    Rank Not Reflecting In-Game Performance

    I lose, but i have 0 deaths and 12 kills. I go down. I win, but i didnt contribute to the win. I died all game. I was AFK, or something of the sorts. Especially cause i play with randoms, and the decisions of others shoudln't affect my personal performance. You catch my drift?
  13. F

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    Match ID : 33989562 Urn literally dissapeared out of existence. And so many of my melees not hitting even though they're right on target, including on power-ups. This is compeltely horrible, lost the game becasue of this - since i jungled all game to carry my team only to lose to the dumb...