Recent content by dictum53

  1. D

    Melee changes

    Lol, if you're spending all of shadow form's time just punching you're wasting it's potential. Also your argument is cringe because it doesn't address what I've been saying, which is that the game is designed around the concept of "everyone can both shoot and punch" and the game's core...
  2. D

    Melee changes

    Well then that's your problem right there because you're trying to apply mechanics of a completely differently designed style of game to DL, which is NOT isometric and is also not designed to play like a typical moba. DL is designed around "everyone has a gun" and that's that. Saying you want...
  3. D

    Melee changes

    No, that does not "need to change" at all. And the fact that you just said "remove parry" clearly demonstrates that you do not understand how the melee system is designed or why.
  4. D

    Melee changes

    And like I told you, that doesn't work. With the way the game is designed you can't do a character that can't shoot because a lot of core mechanics are designed around you being able to shoot, and so are a ton of items.
  5. D

    Melee changes

    "No full melee character" My man do you know who Abrams is? Also everyone in this game can shoot so if you made someone who did exclusively melee they wouldn't work.
  6. D

    Hey Listen Fairy (stealth detection item)

    Well we do need an anti-stealth item since currently we have exactly zero. It also sounds like a fun idea.
  7. D

    Please add the urn to sandbox

    The urn is massively important now but I still see a lot of people who don't understand how it works. And even those who do sometimes fail to realize that soul orbs come out of the urn, leave them and get the all denied. There should be both a tutorial page explaining it as well as a sandbox...
  8. D

    Melee changes

    The fact that you asked this question shows that you do not understand what melee in this game is, a mindgame. The attack has a huge hitbox (to big to avoid in almost every case) and deals good damage, but using it comes with the risk of getting parried. So the two combatants try to...
  9. D

    Toxic Lady Geist Celebrates Too Early

    That Abrams deserve credit too. After he respawned he killed 4 of them (arguably 5 even).
  10. D

    Does Unstoppable not work properly?

    The tooltip says it suppresses negative status effects but this is only partially true. some effects like healing reduction does get suppressed while other things like bullet resist debuffs are not.
  11. D

    Game crashes a lot

    Same here. Since the latest patch it's CTD'd a LOT more than it did before. Even freezing my entire computer and forcing me to hard reset.
  12. D

    You can attack without breaking stealth.

    So if haze has smoke bomb and does a forward dash while holding the melee button, she will heavy punch as soon as she comes out of the dash, and this doesn't break the stealth. I tested it with shadow weave too and got the exact same result.
  13. D

    Healing cancels magic carpet

    Flying into the heal zone created by medical specter instantly cancels magic carpet. Tested it multiple times and its the same every time. You can summon the carpet while standing in the heal zone and fly out of it, but flying back into it cancels the carpet.
  14. D

    All my keybinds stopped working after last match, I can't move or do anything

    Tried reinstalling the game. Didn't work. Game is actually unplayable now just because these two keybinds don't want to function.
  15. D

    All my keybinds stopped working after last match, I can't move or do anything

    I deleted the entire file that contains all the custom profiles. and pressed reset to defaults in game. still uses my rebound keys, and the shop and ability upgrade buttons still don't work.