Recent content by dancedanceincineration

  1. dancedanceincineration

    Dynamo Quantum Entanglement hiding Alchemical Fire effects

    Bumping. This is still in the game.
  2. dancedanceincineration

    forbidden pre-game ritual to guarantee wins

    attempt at your own risk..... your soul may not survive.......
  3. dancedanceincineration

    Secret Goober Tech

  4. dancedanceincineration

    The looping music found in some parts of the map is broken.

    Like the ambience in mid or the music in that one hotel! It just keeps starting and starting and starting again and again and again and it's been like this since the update!!
  5. dancedanceincineration

    Appropriate reaction from getting your atoms squeezed through solid concrete

    i have!! a clip of dome adding it onto ur post because i'm evil
  6. dancedanceincineration

    Appropriate reaction from getting your atoms squeezed through solid concrete

    gaddamm knew about dome but not actual solid terrain that's neat
  7. dancedanceincineration

    Geist ult parry as dynamo!!

    She really wants to use her ult once she's free of singularity. Entangle just then!
  8. dancedanceincineration

    Viper's pants vanish when in partial invisibility.

    When invisible and someone's in your reveal radius, viper's pants vanish. Clip shows this.
  9. dancedanceincineration

    Crash related to Magician's rabbit hex

    No clue why it happened. But it did. Clip shows what I was doing.
  10. dancedanceincineration

    Calico's aiming animation doesn't work when she's standing still.

    She only holds her shooting arm while aiming when she's moving. Clip shows this.
  11. dancedanceincineration

    Ivy Clip Medley

    ivy's pretty fun
  12. dancedanceincineration

    fun fact: you can immune the stun from meleeing someone's parry.

    plus a fun geist parry for good measure