Recent content by Camilo

  1. C

    Wonky Turrets bug??

    It's right there
  2. C

    Severe Stuttering on Linux after 30 minute mark in match

    Restarting only restored my fps for another 30 mins or so until it happened again. Enabling steam overlay appears to have fixed it. I don't like being forced to enable the overlay but at least the game is playable.
  3. C

    Severe Stuttering on Linux after 30 minute mark in match

    Seems like quite a few people are experiencing this issue.
  4. C

    Immediate Crash to Desktop trying to Rejoin

    Same issue for me. Game stutters after 20-30 mins, have to quit and relaunch game, if I click "rejoin" too fast it immediately crashes. I think if you wait for shaders to finish caching it is ok
  5. C

    Framerate Drops to Single Digits Once Per Match (and stays until game is restarted)

    Same for me. I made a post here: before seeing this post. Copying below: Since the latest patch (7th November 2024) after around 30mins of playing my framerate will drop to less than 10 fps. If I stop using...
  6. C

    Push To Talk Active Too Long

    Happens to me, using default keybind for ptt
  7. C

    FPS drops to <10 after ~30mins playing

    EDIT: duplicate of Since the latest patch (7th November 2024) after around 30mins of playing my framerate will drop to less than 10 fps. If I stop using keyboard and...