Recent content by bober murger

  1. bober murger

    Blue Items - Hero specific items/upgrades

    Mo and krill ones are bad and good at the same time, he needs more of those.
  2. bober murger

    Sacrificial blade t2 gun (active)

    item like this exist in game files
  3. bober murger

    Continuously preloading maps and shaders in main menu

    i had very same issue and it was fixed for me with new graphics card and reinstalling windows
  4. bober murger

    Calico bug in Leaping Slash

    happens really often. only way to fix as i know is to use 2 skill again or go to zipline
  5. bober murger

    (some of) Magic Carpet bugs thread 03.03.2025

    First of all things, if you have both most of ability Cooldown and Duration items, use Magic Carpet and then use it again when it up again off cooldown, you will not get any barrier, even more, barrier will just be deleted and look like someone damaged it, even while in carpet, it's hard to...
  6. bober murger

    Sinclair teammate ult copy

    If it ever gonna happen, it should be only T3 update because otherwise too strong
  7. bober murger

    Allow Mo and Krill use some instant cast self-only actives while combo.

    Right now Mo and Krill can use there actives while Combo: Fleetfoot, Vampiric Burst, Colossus, Unstoppable and Echo Shard. All of them are affect only Mo and Krill itself, no teammate no enemy. Fleetfoot and Vampiric Burst are useless while combo, echo shard is very rare item on Mo, but Colossus...
  8. bober murger

    Lash Ground Strike "stuns" enemy like Holliday lasso if met the conditions

    I've expirienced it myself a lot and now i know how: Lash 1 Ground Strike can guaranteely "stun" enemy if met next conditions: Lash is very close to an enemy, Lash Ground Strike has T2 update, enemy is airborne while lash uses his 1. If all of this happens, enemy just stucks and can't move...