Recent content by 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

  1. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    cheater frog model dosnt exist anymore

    idk when this happend but i had a cheater in a match today and they got forged but when i went to watch the replay the frog model dosnt exist anymore
  2. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    patron doesn't appear to attack anymore

    for the past like 10 games i've never seen the patron use its laser attack when people are in base, im unsure if this is because the ai is broken or people in my skill range are just too good at killing the first stage never giving it a chance to fight back
  3. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    Bad Matchmaking Thread

    32993363 majority seeker team gets matched agaisnt a majority ritualist team
  4. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    abandoned player allowed to rejoin the game

    idk i was kinda pissed off after this game since our warden left to make it fair only for the wraith to rejoin so like
  5. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    abandoned player allowed to rejoin the game

    match ID 29257501 the wraith left the game at the begining and was considered abandoned, but later was able to rejoin 10 or so min later
  6. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    Dev Console unavailable

    you gotta go into the settings (options tab) and tick this now to enable it
  7. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    bad lighting in the sandbox

    this building in the sandbox has bad lighting
  8. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    Texture issue, game is unplayable

    all of the geforce 900 series and older has textures issues with the game
  9. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    Cheaters are already in alpha

    just chose any reason and include in the details part that they're using hacks. you can also probably ping yoshi or another valve dev in the discord about it
  10. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    Cheaters are already in alpha

    make sure you're reporting theese people in game btw
  11. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    Press X to win console gaming

    worst thing you can do is pull a seven or haze doing thier ult towards you lol
  12. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    "3 Large Clips" should be renamed to Magazines

    "3 Large bullet containers (and laser fuel and hand fire)"
  13. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    The game has been removed from steam

    it means you've been banned from the test for exsessive leaving, toxic behavour or leaking the game outside the forums and discord server comeback when the games officaly released ig
  14. 2 foxes in a trenchcoat

    yamato lightsaber bug

    if your 3 gets interrupted the visual effect can become stuck somtimes