New member
-I would like to base this hero on the heroes from Dota 2: Wraith king, spectra,abadon,ursa.
-First of all, this hero should be easy to control and be interesting because you kill in the game and don’t die instead. The hero will be interesting not only for beginners, but also for professional players.
Hero Immortal skeleton
-First ability is a stun or slowdown, any control that the developers decide. But I would make a stun with low damage or even no damage, and where the stun swings. (Stun in a shooter gives a greater advantage than in Dota, so it will be a balance). The job is essentially done. Like throwing a stone in real life, it stunned.
-Second ability. Reflecting damage when pumping up this ability does not seem to increase your HP, but it is hidden higher. Because you are reflecting damage in an area, but the further you go, the worse it works. Perhaps this ability will be weak or weak. If it is still weak then the hero needs to add a shield on top of his HP, but he will recover after damage within, say, 20 seconds. This ability can be made active or passive, but in its mechanics it is already good for beginners, but it also has its own interest for pro players.
-The third ability, again, can be either active or passive. The more hits he deals, the more attack speed the hero receives, but the hero becomes a melee fighter and is also healed. When leveling up, it increases damage when it is close to the target or you can add a critical attack (at the request of the developer).
-Ultimate. The hero receives a reduction in damage to him. But let’s say the return fire item or his second ability works fully and the damage from the ultimate is not reduced. Also, when the hero receives damage to the offender, he hits ball lightning.
-Conclusion.I hope the developers understood the hint about a hero with a melee attack. (I think this can be added for other heroes by simply including a passive shield in the heroes, like in Dota against creeps). I didn’t write the damage because the developer has the right to test it himself and choose the necessary damage for balance. I just wanted create an interesting hero. (although I don’t mind drawing fan art based on him or even helping developers create him). I hope they will add such a hero or one similar to the one from Dota 2. For those who read before here and liked it, please leave a comment so that the developers can see it. Developers, if you take something similar, write me so that I can wait with great joy. (sorry for my English, it's probably hard to read)
-First of all, this hero should be easy to control and be interesting because you kill in the game and don’t die instead. The hero will be interesting not only for beginners, but also for professional players.
Hero Immortal skeleton
-First ability is a stun or slowdown, any control that the developers decide. But I would make a stun with low damage or even no damage, and where the stun swings. (Stun in a shooter gives a greater advantage than in Dota, so it will be a balance). The job is essentially done. Like throwing a stone in real life, it stunned.
-Second ability. Reflecting damage when pumping up this ability does not seem to increase your HP, but it is hidden higher. Because you are reflecting damage in an area, but the further you go, the worse it works. Perhaps this ability will be weak or weak. If it is still weak then the hero needs to add a shield on top of his HP, but he will recover after damage within, say, 20 seconds. This ability can be made active or passive, but in its mechanics it is already good for beginners, but it also has its own interest for pro players.
-The third ability, again, can be either active or passive. The more hits he deals, the more attack speed the hero receives, but the hero becomes a melee fighter and is also healed. When leveling up, it increases damage when it is close to the target or you can add a critical attack (at the request of the developer).
-Ultimate. The hero receives a reduction in damage to him. But let’s say the return fire item or his second ability works fully and the damage from the ultimate is not reduced. Also, when the hero receives damage to the offender, he hits ball lightning.
-Conclusion.I hope the developers understood the hint about a hero with a melee attack. (I think this can be added for other heroes by simply including a passive shield in the heroes, like in Dota against creeps). I didn’t write the damage because the developer has the right to test it himself and choose the necessary damage for balance. I just wanted create an interesting hero. (although I don’t mind drawing fan art based on him or even helping developers create him). I hope they will add such a hero or one similar to the one from Dota 2. For those who read before here and liked it, please leave a comment so that the developers can see it. Developers, if you take something similar, write me so that I can wait with great joy. (sorry for my English, it's probably hard to read)