The Lab Rat. The Professor and His Children. The Soul Leech


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Xenorat used to be one of many test subjects in the experimental labs of Fairfax Industries. His earlier memories of being a common lab rat remain blurry. All he remembered was the excruciating torture as the scientists poked and prodded him with needles, scalpels, chemicals, and volts of electricity. Patches of his fur were missing, revealing the reptilian scales underneath. Were rats supposed to have scales? He couldn’t recall. The only silver lining to this whole ordeal was that his intelligence gradually increased the longer the scientists tortured him. Pain and suffering were all he knew and the heightening intelligence to ponder why this was happening to him. Then one day, one of the scientists took his cage, transported him out of the Fairfax building and took him back to her home. At first, he was skeptical and wary, but as time went on and the scientist fed him and sheltered him, he slowly began to trust her. She treated him with a sense of kindness that was unfamiliar to him. Eventually as time went on, he eventually regarded her as a friend. Someone he could trust. He made the mistake of believing things were gonna get better for him. But then the strangers barged into her home. Their home. She struggled and screamed as they took her. They tried to take him too. But in a fit of feral rage, the lab rat dispatched his would-be kidnappers. Then he chased after his scientist friend, but he was too late. They were already in the van and driving off before he could get to them. Who were those men? Why did they take her? What did they want? The lab rat scurried across the streets of New York to find the answers to those questions. To find his first and only friend. The first place he planned to look: Fairfax Industries. Where it all started.

Dr Emerald

Dr Jonathan Emerald was a well-respected professor and experimental scientist working for Fairfax Industries. He specialized in the practical applications of soul transference, which largely involved recalling souls from the afterlife then transplanting them into organic or inanimate objects. He was also a single parent of three successful children: two sons and a daughter. Dr Emerald lived a happy and largely ordinary life. But that all changed one night when his children came to visit and stayed the night for the holidays. At the stroke of midnight, he heard the screams coming from downstairs. He made his way to the living room where the screams came from. That’s when he saw his children hovering in the air, eyes white and their life slowly drained from their withering bodies. Standing between his children was a witch absorbing their life force. After she finished murdering his children they unceremoniously dropped to the floor. The witch peered over at Dr Emerald. “My sincerest apologies, professor. But I cannot permit the Hathorne bloodline to persist for as long as it has. Take solace in the passing of your wife, for she can no longer burden you with more spawn of a tainted bloodline.” With that, the witch disappeared, leaving Dr Emerald alone with his children’s corpses. He grieved as any father would. And if he were like any other father, he would perhaps grieve his children’s death for the rest of his life. But no. He would not let things end like this. With all the knowledge of soul transference he had accumulated over the years, he felt it was naturally right for a father to do everything he could to bring his children back to life. In the following years, the jovial professor that everyone loved became an increasingly erratic recluse as he prepared the ritual circles, the equipment, the spell books and all the other ingredients he would need to make sure the resurrection turned out successful. Eventually, he acquired three specially prepared objects to serve as vessels for his children’s souls: a lion’s corpse from the biology labs, a faulty automaton from the local scrapyard and a makeshift scarecrow. With everything ready, he performed the ritual to recall his children’s souls. It took effort and a chaotic storm erupted within the room he resided in, but he eventually found the souls he was looking for and he used his equipment to capture and stabilize the souls before transferring them to the three vessels. After the ritual was finalized, Dr Emerald thought he had failed, as the vessels remained still. But then they woke up. At first, he was ecstatic that he had finally resurrected his children, but as he asked the questions and tried to communicate with him, they remained silent. Did he do it right? While they remained uncommunicative, he soon discovered that they obeyed his every orders. This wasn’t the result that he wanted. He wasn’t even sure he had recalled the right souls. There was still much to do and much to learn about power of magic and souls. But for now, he had three servants at his command that may or may not be his children. But at the very least, they were enough to help him hunt down the witch who destroyed his family and his life.


The RnD department of Fairfax Industries is known for designing supernatural inventions and conducting otherworldly experiments. While there are many company secrets that they hold close to their chest, there was one experiment they kept especially hidden from outside eyes. Located far beyond the city limits, far from the general population, lied an underground facility where Fairfax Industry employees carried out their more dangerous experiments. Including the experiment involving an interdimensional portal the size of a Ferris wheel. While the details of the experiment remained a mystery, there were two irrefutable facts about the project: something went wrong, forcing the team to shut down the experiment. And something else came through the portal before it closed. A small wormlike creature that seemed harmless and manageable at first sight. But the extra-planar worm suddenly possessed a member of security and proceeded to slaughter every single person in the room before continuing its massacre to the rest of the facility. Then it escaped. The higher ups in Fairfax Industries had been scrambling to cover up this problem as quickly as possible, trying the find the creature they had inadvertently released upon the world. The company’s best operatives from Eldritch Tactical Solutions had been able to find a trail leading to the sewers beneath New York City. But that was as far as they got before even they were taken out by the extra-planar creature. But not before they were able to relay back some vital intel. The creature had grown significantly larger since its escape from the facility. And that it was somehow breeding and multiplying within the city’s waterways. The public were still unaware of the imminent threat currently residing in their sewer system and Fairfax Industries could only hide it for so long before the creature eventually became large enough to take out half the city. When that time comes, God help the souls of New York City.
Xenorat: - Starts out small and fast and gradually grows stronger but slower

Note: Xenorat’s base stats starts with 8 stamina and 12 m/s move speed but with 400 health, 40 dps, 2 bullet damage, 50 light melee damage and 100 heavy melee damage. His base model is also half the size of other heroes.

1: Blinding Fluids

You fire a small AoE acid spit shot at an enemy, disarming them and dealing spirit damage over time. The AoE scales up as Xenorat grows bigger.

2: Fight or Flight

You burrow yourself into the ground or into a wall and become invisible and immune to abilities and attacks, but unable to move. You press space bar to pop out of the ground or wall and stun nearby enemies at melee range and deal spirit damage. If you emerge from a wall, you can launch yourself at an enemy and trigger the damage stun on landing. The AoE and range of the re-emergence scales up as Xenorat grows bigger.

3: Wall-Crawler

Passive: You can climb up walls, using stamina as you do so. You drop off the wall if you have no stamina.

4: Adaptive Growth

Passive: Your gun has a spread shot. Bonus health, bullet damage and spirit power from items are increased by 50%. But his fire rate is permanently decreased and unable to be further increased by items. For every 1000 health you possess you lose 2 stamina and 2 m/s movement speed. Xenorat can’t have less than 2 maximum stamina. Xenorat’s model grows in size as he gains more and more health.
Dr. Emerald: - Summons the souls of his children possessing supernatural creatures to fight alongside him and his team

1: The Cowardly Lion

You summon a lion-like beast to fight beside you. The Lion’s presence increases bullet damage and spirit power for nearby allies. Whenever an enemy hero damages the Lion, the Lion flees to the nearest guardian, walker or to the base before returning to the trooper wave. You can use 1 to redirect the Lion’s movements or melee attacks, but you can’t use it to stop the Lion from fleeing. If the Lion dies, you are dealt significant spirit damage. If you die, the Lion dies.

2: The Tinman

You summon a large automaton, the Tinman, to fight beside you. The Tinman’s presence increases bullet and spirit resist for nearby allies. The Tinman is immune to spirit and bullet damage unless it’s aimed at the power source in his chest. Allies who shoot the Tinman’s chest will receive healing. You can control the Tinman’s movements and melee attacks with 2. You’re dealt significant spirit damage if the Tinman dies. The Tinman dies if you die.

3: The Scarecrow

You summon a Scarecrow ward that can’t move. She doesn’t attack, but curses enemies and allies around her. Enemies around the Scarecrow share a percentage of the damage dealt to them. Allies share a percentage of healing. The Scarecrow is immune to all bullet and spirit damage unless it’s dealt to her head. You’re dealt significant spirit damage if the Scarecrow dies. The Scarecrow dies if you die.

4: Altogether

You target an enemy hero. The Scarecrow appears behind the hero. In addition to her initial curses, the Scarecrow also curses enemies around her by blinding them, ensuring they see darkness, the only thing visible to them being the Scarecrow’s smiling face. The Tinman fires a laser beam from his chest with infinite range aimed at the enemy hero and can be blasted through walls. The Lion’s eyes turn red and he gains a significant movement boost and runs towards the enemy hero before lunging at them and attacking with melee slash attacks. The attacks have a high chance of dealing critical damage and is temporarily immune to fleeing if his eyes are red. He is also immune to parry. The ability only uses the Children already summoned. You need at least 1 of the Children summoned to use this ability.
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Note: Parawurm is a parasitic worm attached to a braindead host. Both the host and Parawurm have separate health. The host starts out with 400 health. The Wurm has 200.

1: Wurm Shell

The host is dealt spirit damage. Then thick armoured tendrils burst out of the host and wrap the host up into a coiled, protective shell. The shield provides the host with a bullet and spirit shield but they can’t move. As long as the host is in the shell, the host regenerates health at the cost of your own over time. Space bar cancels the shield.

2: Wurm Rider

Passive: If the host is out of combat for a few seconds, a wurm emerges from beneath the host’s feet and carries the host across the streets of the Cursed Apple, providing bonus movement speed and the ability to scale up walls.

3: Host Swap

You can jump from your host and latch onto another allied hero. The allied hero gains your spirit power and shields, and you can cast your active items. You both have separate health bars which are visible to other heroes. You can also shoot independently as a wurm on their shoulder, firing spit projectiles. Your other abilities also work with this new host. However, your initial host is vulnerable and there’s a psychic tether between you and your original host body. This tether is visible to the enemy. If the original host dies, you die. If you die, the original host dies. If there are no nearby allied heroes to latch onto, you crawl on the ground gaining movement speed when you move towards your original host. You cannot attack while crawling on the ground.

4: Mother Wurm

You screech loudly into the air. In response, a giant wurm spawns at base and roars back. The giant wurm then dives into the ground and tunnels its way up a lane towards your location. When the Mother Wurm tunnels past enemies, they are knocked aside and slowed. Allied heroes can ride on top the wurm. When the wurm reaches range, it bursts out of the ground then dives at your location, dealing massive spirit damage and stunning nearby enemies. You can recast by pressing 4 to take control of your host’s movement until the Mother Wurm dives at your location. The Mother Wurm cannot dive inside buildings. If you’re inside a building by the time she reaches near you, the Mother Wurm will continue to tunnel past and dive into the enemy base.