Bit of a lie in the title, the first time I booted up the game I got an error about Steam Audio? I didn't get the chance to capture it and I didn't get it again, but it happened half a second into seeing the valve logo, the game froze up and then steam froze up after I closed the game. I end-tasked steam and when it opened again I got the prompt for the steam hardware survey, I wonder if that had to do with it. I do have my Index VR headset plugged in, that could have something to do with it as well?
The second time I opened the game it properly booted, no error, but as soon as I clicked on "Learn To Play" it closed immediately with no error.
Third time I got into the main menu fine, was able to watch the tutorial videos fine, opened hero training (10-second hitch the first time I moused over a hero but that never happened again), but hitting "confirm" and going through two loading screens causes the game to close with no error as well. This happened two more times, I noticed steam was frozen (but no "not responding" whiteout from windows) so I closed and started steam again, and I'm able to start hero training.
Are there logs stored anywhere? I didn't see any in the usual places like localLow.
update: I also got a crash mid-gameplay (in hero training) that had an error this time,
I'll try to reproduce these crashes if I can. Lemme know what more info I can provide and I hope this helps!
The second time I opened the game it properly booted, no error, but as soon as I clicked on "Learn To Play" it closed immediately with no error.
Third time I got into the main menu fine, was able to watch the tutorial videos fine, opened hero training (10-second hitch the first time I moused over a hero but that never happened again), but hitting "confirm" and going through two loading screens causes the game to close with no error as well. This happened two more times, I noticed steam was frozen (but no "not responding" whiteout from windows) so I closed and started steam again, and I'm able to start hero training.
Are there logs stored anywhere? I didn't see any in the usual places like localLow.
update: I also got a crash mid-gameplay (in hero training) that had an error this time,
msedge.exe - Application Error
And my discord window crashed as well.. I do have several microsoft edge windows open, including default windows 10 apps like "Messages" but they were fine. I also have a bunch of other programs open like Unity, OneNote, Sourcetree and Jetbrains Rider, maybe I should close those heh...The exception unknown software exception (0xe00000008) occurred in the application at location 0x00007FF8D224BA99
I'll try to reproduce these crashes if I can. Lemme know what more info I can provide and I hope this helps!