Reload with extra bullets


Active member
If you produce ammo so that your bullet stock goes above clip size (like Kinetic Dash), and then press reload, your gun will reload you from say 12/8 down to 8/8. The expected behavior is that pressing reload when you're above max ammo should do nothing, as if your weapon were full.
Another reload bug is that if you have Quicksilver Reload on a spell then pick up the cooldown reduction buff from a crate, your Quicksilver Reload only applies to every other cast. It seems like the Quicksilver Reload cooldown should also be buffed by the crate buff.
Adding to this, when, for example, Kinetic Dash's conditional bonus (E.g, 8/8 -> 12/8) bullets wear off, the ammo counter does not reflect the change (remains at 12/8). Shooting after the bonus bullets wear off will reset the ammo counter to base (8/8), and the player will have 9 total shots assuming all were after the bonus wears off.
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