New item idea: Spirit Scythe


New member
This item would be a tier IV (6200) item that builds from Spirit Strike.
The basic idea would be to add another Tier IV spirit item that melee builds can add to their repertoire.

If I had to suggest the stats, it'd look something like this, but Valve knows its game better than I do. But you get the idea. Same benefits as Spirit Strike plus some. Maybe turn the Heavy Melee attack purple in the hands to signify the attack can't be parried.


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This idea has circulated a ton already. Big no-go on the idea of unparryable.

We already see that heroes that get access to innate tankiness but have to compensate for that with bad numbers (Abrams, Shiv) build into punching almost by default. There is already very little you can do against these heroes when they close the gap. Allowing them to pressure you despite a succesful parry just means it's a death sentence to even have them near you. I don't think that's a desirable effect.

I'm also unconvinced of building Spirit Strike into another item. It makes sense for items that offer layered scaling and aren't particularly powerful in their own right. Spirit Strike is not one of those items.
maybe it shuold be an active that applies melee affects in a sweeping cone but doesnt scale with melee damage so it doesn't doubledip into melee lifesteal/life strike?
You can already bypass stun from parry by activating unstoppable and then land hits without parry, while light melee damage upgrade is broken. Its almost 2x damage, since you can do more melee attacks if you dont need to charge into someone.