Since Alchemical Fire and Toxic Bullets have both had their effectiveness reduced against neutral creeps, an upgrade for Monster Rounds would provide utility for those looking for more efficient jungling without also being tied to strong effects like anti-heal and damage-over-time effects against heroes. Increasing damage vs. NPCs further has some scary implications for splitpushing and sieging, so you could simply make this effect not work on enemy-aligned objectives like Guardians and Walkers. An item like this could look like:
$3500 Tier 3 Weapon Item
Component: Monster Rounds
+60% Weapon Damage vs. Neutral NPCs
+40% Lifesteal vs. Neutral NPCs
+100 Bonus Health
+1 Health Regen
60% Weapon Damage vs. NPCs is a pretty significant increase, this could also be 50% if it ended up being too strong, but the restriction to neutral NPCs prevents it from being a splitpushing item or a hard counter to McGinnis. The Lifesteal helps in the early game when fighting neutral creeps does a significant amount of damage, and provides a way to obtain self-healing out of fight in late game. +100 Bonus Health is less than the equivalent from Heroic Aura, but with the strength of the anti-NPCs stats on this item it could be reduced to +75. +1 Health Regen is a holdover from the base item Monster Rounds and something I didn't think would need an upgrade since it's rare for Weapon items to give regen in the first place.
$3500 Tier 3 Weapon Item
Component: Monster Rounds
+60% Weapon Damage vs. Neutral NPCs
+40% Lifesteal vs. Neutral NPCs
+100 Bonus Health
+1 Health Regen
60% Weapon Damage vs. NPCs is a pretty significant increase, this could also be 50% if it ended up being too strong, but the restriction to neutral NPCs prevents it from being a splitpushing item or a hard counter to McGinnis. The Lifesteal helps in the early game when fighting neutral creeps does a significant amount of damage, and provides a way to obtain self-healing out of fight in late game. +100 Bonus Health is less than the equivalent from Heroic Aura, but with the strength of the anti-NPCs stats on this item it could be reduced to +75. +1 Health Regen is a holdover from the base item Monster Rounds and something I didn't think would need an upgrade since it's rare for Weapon items to give regen in the first place.