Just got stuck in the teleporter


New member
I had to restart client before the game started because I was getting 20fps.

When I came back I was stuck in a teleporter off map. I could not unstick nor suicide my hero.

Not sure what bug happened here but I had to abandon the match. I got a queue time penalty added to me.

Will grab the match id if I can.
Bumping this, had the same issue today. I was stuck there from 0-10 mins until the teleporter opened. Initially I was on the roof of the spawn area, and when I jumped off I got booted to this teleporter (after dc and rc), and after dc and rc again still in the teleporter.

Buttons in menu for unstick / suicide didn't work.

After 10mins, teleporter opened and I was able to get out into the map and play as normal, but I was like 3k souls so I abandoned to spare my team the misery. Only stayed to complete the bug report.

Match ID: 19337768

