MatchID: 50265
Timestamp: 35:05 (Phanterm [Ivy])
Summary: In the center shop, I used true form to get some health back and break a box in the process. However, the box did not break on impact, and so neither did my true form expire. I only tried this in the box located within a corner, so it could be that in other situations I would have been pushed off. I moved off of the crate, and then True Form hit the ground and behaved as normal.
Expected Result: Ivy's True Form would break any breakable object on impact.
Observed Result: Ivy's True Form ability did not break the crate in the timestamp, and as a result Ivy remained impervious until the player moved the character off of the crate.
Timestamp: 35:05 (Phanterm [Ivy])
Summary: In the center shop, I used true form to get some health back and break a box in the process. However, the box did not break on impact, and so neither did my true form expire. I only tried this in the box located within a corner, so it could be that in other situations I would have been pushed off. I moved off of the crate, and then True Form hit the ground and behaved as normal.
Expected Result: Ivy's True Form would break any breakable object on impact.
Observed Result: Ivy's True Form ability did not break the crate in the timestamp, and as a result Ivy remained impervious until the player moved the character off of the crate.