T tydjones1 New member May 5, 2024 #1 When purchasing the Glass Cannon, the total spirit damage from the Infernus's DOT decreases by about 100. In Video 1, with the Glass Cannon equipped, the damage is 2,888. However, in Video 2, without the Glass Cannon, the damage is 2,977 Attachments project8 2024.05.05 - project8 2024.05.05 - 73.6 MB project8 2024.05.05 - project8 2024.05.05 - 52.7 MB
When purchasing the Glass Cannon, the total spirit damage from the Infernus's DOT decreases by about 100. In Video 1, with the Glass Cannon equipped, the damage is 2,888. However, in Video 2, without the Glass Cannon, the damage is 2,977
T tydjones1 New member May 5, 2024 #2 As a side not I would like to add that toxic bullets also seen in this example extends infernuses passive I'm not sure if this is intended or not
As a side not I would like to add that toxic bullets also seen in this example extends infernuses passive I'm not sure if this is intended or not