Currently, the team names "Sapphire Flame" and "Amber Hand" are translated into German as "Saphir-Flamme" and "Bernstein-Hand". While this is an accurate word-by-word translation (minus the fact that I personally would spell "Saphirflamme" without a dash), the colors of saphhire and amber are called "Saphirblau" and "Bernsteinrot" (or "-orange") in German. So, a better translation for the team names would be "Die Saphirblaue Flamme" and "Die Bernsteinrote Hand" (or "Bernsteinorange", respectively). Of course, this is all only if the team names stay translated, as multiple threads want them as well as the item and hero names untranslated, as they are proper nouns. However, as the team names are referencing their color, and are not relevant to gameplay, as all team-specific text is rendered in either blue or orange, I think they should be localized.