Idol themed hero


New member
Idols are in right now and someone who could sport anime themed skins would make lots of anime fans happy.
This is the not-so-secret recipe to making a popular character.

Of course her skills would include lots of AoE, using kingblade and singing as her weapon.
1. Damaging AoE - Deal damage and apply debuffs to enemies.
2. Support AoE - Heal allies and apply buffs.
3. Passive to increase AoE/effects over time and using skill spends some of it, regains some of it passively or last hitting creeps.
4. Encore - Temporarily raises effect of skills and increases passive to maximum for set period of time.

I'll leave the lore to you guys.
would not fit with the art style; the last thing we need is for this games aesthetics to go down the tubes right out of the gate.
Bigger the clash the better, see CS/COD anime skins. There's sense of style that is completely out of tone from rest of the game and it's amazing.
Matters of opinion though.
Bigger the clash the better, see CS/COD anime skins. There's sense of style that is completely out of tone from rest of the game and it's amazing.
Matters of opinion though.
absurd. i can agree with you that its a matter of taste, but its a matter of fact that it would clash with the existing art style of the game; once you let that genie out of the bottle, there's no going back.
my 2 cents - the anime/Idol style in the context of CS2 makes more sense because the game is set in the modern day, where anime has an already established global influence. 1920's New York would be a lot less so, would feel too modern (or even futuristic)
It can be made work, especially since the game is fantasy.
Mind you, not talking about any modern anime collaborations or anything but just in style, have something similar in-universe.
It can be made work, especially since the game is fantasy.
Mind you, not talking about any modern anime collaborations or anything but just in style, have something similar in-universe.
how about a good old cabaret singer? although I think Lady Geist might already hit that niche.
like others have said, a modern idol character would clash heavily with the aesthetics and culture of the 1920s, and would be better fit in a sci-fi, neo-tokyo setting instead. especially since J-idols weren't even a thing until much, much later in the century. I think the few anachronisms the game already has are tasteful enough, splashing the platter with a whole character would be too much imho.

the closest you can conceivably get would be a geisha or a kabuki performer which wouldn't be so out of place in a supernatural New York thanks to Yamato.
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I love anime as well but can we not just let the game have its own style and identity? If there is potential for cross overs I would prefere something like Hellboy or the Fables Comic series ( the game Wolf among us is based on it ) because right now it would fit way more to the setting and style.

Also there are so many games with Anime artstyle or anime collaborations I think it would rob the game slightly its current uniqueness.
While sure, I can agree that it may not fit in the art style of the game, but considering Nexon Studio and Valve's Counter Strike Nexon Zombies (though changed to Nexon Studio) has various anime like or very unique designs to characters, I think something like an idol would be interesting for the game.