The Drowned Man - Howard Tencer

A character concept with a ton of synergy between abilities.
With a spirit and utility based kit based around enviromental manipulation.
With a spirit and utility based kit based around enviromental manipulation.
Howard Tencer was once a famous entrepreneur who became a large business magnate. His biggest accomplishment in life was funding and building the large cruiseship "the crossing enterprise", who he would set foot on during it's maiden voyage. However during the trip from Virginia to the carribeans it dissapeared into the bermuda triangle. For many years there was no news and many thought it's passengers had dissapeared entirely. Then suddenly Howard Tencer appeared again 19 years later on, beached up and with strange markings carved on his body, along with a strange new tail that he tries to hide. Being the sole survivor of the ship, the families of it's victims now blamed him, called him a murderer and sought recompensation from him. Attempts on his head were made. Confronted with the guilt and shame he sought out the patrons desperately for help.
Notable features:
-Has a slow firing rifle that packs a punch, but that also has rather long bullet falloff.
-Has a gun-cane
1 Shared Fate
Loads the gun with a charged shot.
On impact the target takes +50 spirit damage. After it will continue send a smaller projectile at a nearby target using a projectile, binding the two together. Both targets are slowed by 40% for 0.5s on initial hit.
If both targets are hit, all debuffs applied to them are duplicated.
Bond may be broken by simply moving away from each other.
Lasts for 5.5 seconds.
Cooldown: 22
Level 1: Cooldown reduced by 8s.
Level 2: Targets are also slowed by 30%.
Level 3: A third target may be affected.
2 Seek Shelter
Sends a homing projectile towards target enemy.
On impact it creates a crackling rain cloud a few meters above the target. The target enemy takes 150 damage over time while not covered by a roof. Lasts for 6 seconds.
Level 1: Deals 75% reduced damage to nearby targets.
Level 2: Cooldown reduced by 15s.
Level 3: +45 additional damage per tick.
"Stay inside on a rainy day"
3 Wallbounce:
The main gun fire can be held down for 0.9s to bounce off walls. Adds 75% weapon damage.
Main gun can be held to charged up to bounce on walls.
Level 1: Deals +60 additional spirit damage.
Level 2: Bounces two additional times.
Level 3: Charge time reduced by 0.3s.
4 Vanish:
Removes target building or construction (like a bridge) from the map for a short duration.
(Essentially leaves the enemies on a flat playmatt without cover to hide behind)
Level 1: Reduces bullet armor of targets that were inside by 17%.
Level 2: All associated crates and monsters are destroyed and it's rewards given to you.
Level 3: Cooldown reduced by 20.
"How could something so big just vanish?"
-You can remove the entire pavilon near midboss, the bridges connecting to it would remain.
-If the building is spawned back in, players are forcefully pushed back into it's normal geometry. Always prioritizing to push the player up first, then checking collisions on sides if it's valid then picking the closest one.