Hero Selection Matchmaking Time Estimate


New member
It would be sweet if you could get an estimated matchmaking time based on which heroes you select.

I know that feature won't work with the player population we have now, but it would be a sweet way to encourage people to play less popular heroes -- for faster queue times. Also discourage you from selecting only the most popular heroes.
I'm glad someone else suggested this, I was about to make a thread but saw this already existed. I think it's a really good idea. Here's what I have to say:

Simply put, give us an estimate for the amount of time it will take for you to find a match, which changes depending on the roster you have selected, your current rank, server region, party composition and matchmaking preferences.

People might spontaneously queue more heroes and the matchmaking might become more efficient if they realize they can get quicker games (or more evenly matched games) if they queue a certain hero.

Parties won't be incentivized to select each other's heroes so they guarantee their main if they realize they can get better games (quicker to match and higher average rank) by selecting more heroes.

Finally, people who really want to play only their main will still benefit from such a system because there will be more people willing to play a larger variety of heroes, giving people who only want to play one or two a wider pool to match with.
I personally dont think the current queue system will be kept in the game on release and this is definitely a late QoL addition